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  1. R

    Hello from QLD, Australia

    Thanks all for the warm welcome to the boards :) (Pun not intended) I'm hoping to stick around for awhile and annoy you all with updates and questions when they arise :P I've noticed there's seed trading etc here. Seems like a pretty cool idea, so hopefully with any luck, and some help from THP...
  2. R

    Hey Nova, How are you? I'm just near Brisbane, but originally from down your way.

    Hey Nova, How are you? I'm just near Brisbane, but originally from down your way.
  3. R

    Hello from QLD, Australia

    Thank you nmorris279 :)
  4. R

    Hello from QLD, Australia

    Hey all, I'm Redcap. I reside in Queensland, Australia. My friend Melium suggest this forum to me as I'm a first time chili grower. For my first ever crop, I've decided to plant Razzmatazz/Razzamatazz seeds. So far I've got 8 out of the 10 seeds I planted to germinate :)
  5. R

    seeds-germination Razzamatazz seeds

    Hey all, (Thanks for posting this, Mel :)) I've had another 5 seedlings come up in the last day or so, so 8/10 that I decided to trial. (as Melium has said, these are my first ever chili crop) Basically what I want to do is select four of them and put into separate pots, - take two inside...