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  1. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

    Completed sowing all peppers seeds, tomatoes to follow in two weeks. Yet to see first hook, but sure will be soon. Plenty of heat and moisture available.
  2. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

    Started a few this week, will finish this weekend. Will keep updated as the seeds start to pop.
  3. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

    So it begins....
  4. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

        Pass by it daily on my commute to Corpus...
  5. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

        Rockport, outside of Corpus.
  6. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

      Can try to add it, always looking for new varieties. Running out of room and trying to save some room in the garden for tomatoes...cant have fresh salsa without them...   I might look into adding another raised bed this spring, been wanting to.
  7. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

        Yeah, the habanero / scotch bonnet heat is about all we can stand, i would be wasting if i grew anything more...
  8. SB42178

    2019 - Raised Bed Zone 9B Glog

    My first GLOG, here is my list. Will start Feb. 1st, 3.5" deep pots in tray. Will be using seed starting mix, as opposed to peat pods the last couple of years. After germ, will put under T5 light until mid march.     
  9. SB42178

    Hola from South Texas

  10. SB42178

    Hola from South Texas

    Long Time lurker, going to attempt to keep a glog this year. List for the spring:     Jalapeno   Thai Red Chili   Caliwonder   NuMex Las Cruces Cayenne   Yolo Wonder   NuMex Heritage 6-4   Banana, Yellow   Jimmy Nardello Italian Pepper   Tam Jalapeno Pepper   Ghostly Jalepeno   CGN21500  ...