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  1. Fieryguitarist

    Need help with deformed carrot!

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
  2. Fieryguitarist

    food Habacano pizza

    Hello, today I made a pizza. I call it the habacano. Recipe: Ingredients Tomato paste 20 ml olive oil (double if you are making more than one pizza) Habanero chillies Cheese Garlic salt Pizza base Pineapple (optional) 1. preheat the oven to 260 degrees Celcius...
  3. Fieryguitarist

    Abnormal leaves on seedlings! (sorry for posting links) This is a 7 pot bubblegum. It was a helmet head. I took the helmet head off and it grew fine. Then, when it started to devolup its second set of true leaves the leaves grew almost completly circular. Is this normal?
  4. Fieryguitarist

    Fertiliser help!

    Currently I use a liquid fertiliser called powerfeed red. It's NPK is 14-1.9-9. Is this a good fertiliser for growing my peppers big or is it better for blooming?. And what fertilisers are good for getting plants through winter? Could you share what fertilisers you guys use? Here's a photo of...
  5. Fieryguitarist

    Does anyone know the parents of the Chocolate Primo/Reaper?

    I have been searching for the answer of this question for a while. It seems as if it is unknown what peppers the parents are?
  6. Fieryguitarist

    Red long pepper ID help Anyone know what this is?
  7. Fieryguitarist

    Anyone got fresh super hots in New Zealand?

    Hey, I would like to know if anyone is willing to send some fresh super hot chillies. The hottest pepper I grew and successfully germinated was the Bhut Jolokia. Is is only just letting out little pods now. I don't expect much from the plant this year. Maybe 6/7 peppers. This is my first year...
  8. Fieryguitarist

    Any pepper people from new zealand?

    Where are all the New Zealander at?
  9. Fieryguitarist

    chinense What is best for maximum growth in Carolina reaper seedlings?

    Hello hot pepper people, I recently germinated a Carolina reaper. It is about 11 days old. I have heard that they take a serious amount of time to grow. So I was wondering what things I could use to speed up the process. Any suggestions for nutrients I could try?
  10. Fieryguitarist

    Pepper help My Cousin sent me these photos of her peppers. Anyone know what they are?
  11. Fieryguitarist

    hybrids What should I cross pollinate

    Hello pepper people, I will attempt to cross pollinate today. I have Thai super chilli, cayenne and padrons all really for crossing. Any ideas of what I should cross together
  12. Fieryguitarist

    Sorting out my habanero plant for good

    Hello, my habanero plant has had a lot of problems in the past but now I'm going to sort it for good Using 1 to 4 diluted apple cider vinegar to individually take out the aphids I will post through the process
  13. Fieryguitarist

    chinense Flower buds turning black and dying on habanero plant

    Hello, the buds on my habanero are turning black and falling off for no apparent reason. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with my habanero plant. It has has problems in the past but I'm seriously concerned about this. I hope I can find some answers This is what my...
  14. Fieryguitarist

    Pest on all of my chiliies

    Hello hot pepper people. I have recently discovered scales and mites on my chilli plants and they are laying eggs and eating and destroying the plant. Could I please have some help on eradicating these pest Little green bugs They disguise well
  15. Fieryguitarist

    Worried about Bhut Jolokia Growth I've been growing this Bhut Jolokia for 3 months, been a very slow process. But over the past month it's just stopped growing. I don't know if I have to prune it or something but it's not producing pods it just stopped growing. I'm worried because Bhut jolokias are one...
  16. Fieryguitarist

    hello from auckland, new zealand

    hey, i recently started growing chillies this year, ive been meaning to cross pollinate them. im new to the website so could someone tell me how to post images please. thanks
  17. Fieryguitarist

    Habanero plant wilting

    Hi, I recently discovered that my habanero plant is wilting, the soil is damp so it's definitely not under watering. I'm scared because I don't want it to die so if anyone can tell me how to save it please tell me