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  1. captaicin

    2017 Grow List - Bris. Aus.

    Hi all, As a newcomer to chilli growing I have been bitten by the hot chilli bug badly this year. I started some plants back in late 2016 after getting seeds abroad. The whole venture is getting a bit out of hand but I've started two raised beds and just starting on a third bed among many...
  2. captaicin

    review Video reviews - unexpected reactions.

    I just watched a video of some people reviewing a pod where the reaction is way out of line with expectations. My guess is that the pod in question may have been tampered with and had some capsaicin augmentation by an injection into the pod. Which leads me to other "reviews" or challenges...
  3. captaicin

    hot-sauce Diemen's (Tasmanian Pepper) Hot Sauces - "Stinger"

    Around the end of last year when I went to a local restaurant I had an opportunity to try a hot sauce which piqued my taste buds so much I have become virtually addicted to the stuff. When I read the ingredients I was intrigued by the presence of the Tasmanian Mountain Pepper - also know as...
  4. captaicin

    Pepper ID - curly

    I have started growing this pepper which I got from my dad who doesn't remember where he got it but he's been growing it for years. It can be quite curly and is around 15-25cm ie 6-10 inches in general. Thin walled and quite crispy. Pictures of the chillies in various stages of ripening...
  5. captaicin

    Hello from sunny Brisbane Australia

    While I'm an established gardener I have never previously grown chilli peppers. I'm hoping to continue learning from everyone here and share my newest plantings with you.
  6. captaicin

    Test Message. No picture post available.

    Just testing the forum capability. Can't post pictures apparently.