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  1. brenny86

    pod-i.d. Manzano red?

    Hey all, I bought a manzano red plant as a seedling over a year ago, it's incredibly productive and to my surprise fruited all through winter. I'm not doubting that is is a manzano red but the pod shape on the plant is a very odd oblong shape, and they all seem to look like they are being...
  2. brenny86

    plant-i.d. Any ideas?

    Bought this as a very small plant, was tagged as purple tiger, but from looking online I'm pretty sure it's something else, from what I've seen the purple tigers leaves should have a lot of white on them and the pod shape is different. It has no flowers at the moment so I can't recall exactly...
  3. brenny86

    What does everyone think on this one?

    Hi all, bought this plant from a chili festival the other week, came from their unknowns pallet and I haven't been able to put my finger on exactly what variety it is, would like to get some other peoples opinions on it. Thanks in advance. Hmm, not sure why all the images went in sideways but...
  4. brenny86

    Hello from Melbourne Australia

    Hi all,   I joined the forums a few weeks back but forgot to say hi.   I have been growing chilli plants now reasonably successfully for a few years and just stumbled upon these forums recently. I look forward to contributing where I can and receiving any feedback in turn.   Some of the chilli...
  5. brenny86

    Butch T Scorpion is struggling

    Hi All, wondering if anyone has any ideas or advice to get me scorpion chilli plant going again.   About a month and a half ago my scorpion chilli plant lost all of it's leaves and is struggling big time. I have tried pruning it back pretty harshly and watering it with liquid fertiliser but I...
  6. brenny86

    ID on these?

    Hey all, Last year I transplanted most of my chilli plants into new garden beds and I had a whole bunch of new plants shoot up on their own. Anyway they're going gangbusters now but I'm not 100 percent sure what these ones are, they're not ripe yet but I would assume they are bishops crowns...