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  1. Doctor Scoville

    heat Whats your favorite spicy beverage?

    I like to put a Birdseye chili in my green tea. Do you have a beverage you like to spice up?
  2. Doctor Scoville

    superhots Naga Claw

    Just watched the Hulu series on chilies. In the show the UK chiliqueen eats about 40 superhots when she loses her ability to use her hands. In the show this is called Naga Claw. Has anyone heard about this? I myself have not. Can this really happen? and do we call it Naga Claw?
  3. Doctor Scoville

    breeding-crossing Is creating as much varieties as possible a good thing?

    Over the years the number of chili varieties has exploded. A seller having more than 200 different varieties is these day's no exception. But to be frank, do we really know how much these are different from one another. So my question is: Do we get better tasting and more individual chilies if...
  4. Doctor Scoville

    event Dutch Chilifest seedswap April 13th 2025

    Is anyone going to the Dutch Chilifest in Eindhoven NL? Maybe this is a fun place to swap some seeds. i got about 40 varieties witch i am happy tot trade 1 for 1 seed. Let me know, we'll figure out how we meet. cheers Stijn
  5. Doctor Scoville

    issue cumari pollux

    Hey, does anyone have trouble germinating cumari pollox? i've got mine in soil, unther a dome, at 29 degrees Celsius for 30 day's at this point. today tuned it down tot 25 degrees. cheers. Stijn
  6. Doctor Scoville

    annuum Anybody know if this one is any good?

    Found this one online, may grow them in 2026. Does anybody know if its any good? Stunning looker though. Its called Uchu Cream Chili
  7. Doctor Scoville

    Let's construct a chili prank list

    Can we all together make a gigantic chili prank list. Try not to copy a prank as much as possible. I'll start. Blend up chili's, ad toothpaste and return in de tube. I call it Colgate Habanero Who's next. copy the above, and add your own.👹 Cheers.
  8. Doctor Scoville

    The flaming Forest of Jolokia

    The Flaming Forest of Jolokia Deep in the heart of a forgotten land, where the sky burned crimson at dusk, lay the Flaming Forest of Jolokia. Few dared to enter, for the air itself shimmered with heat, and the trees pulsed with an eerie red glow, their leaves crackling like embers in the wind...
  9. Doctor Scoville

    Dr. Scoville Glog 2025

    Hi all, To start this Glog first this years list. 15 plant i try to overwinter yet half of them are more likely dying than thriving. anyway on newyears day i will start sowing the chinense. next to come in febuary. Have a good one and may 2025 be the year all aphids kill themselfs before the...
  10. Doctor Scoville

    Spread the burn

    Hi y'all. just joined to spread the burn we all love. Glog is comming, starting 1st of January with the chinense variaties. this year i plan to grow 30 variaties, one plant of each. To be continued! Greets Stijn