Search results

  1. D

    still after a few varieties

    I need fatali, bishops cap, and brazillian starfish. I have a few peppers and veggies to trade.
  2. D

    wanted Lots of peppers, looking for veggies

    I have peppers hot lemon pepper red 7 pod yellow 7 pod bhut jolokia dorset naga thai red tabasco tomatoes gardeners delight cherry giant pink belgium big rainbow I want eggplant other tomatoes watermelon beets seed garlic winter squash pretty much anything else
  3. D

    wanted looking for hots

    I have some seeds for trade tomatoes roma big rainbow heirloom gardeners delight (cherry) giant pink belgium cucumber lemon heirloom little delicious melon sweet and early hybrid (cantaloupe) moon and stars heirloom (watermelon) pepper hot lemon what I want any thing really just want...
  4. D

    febuary first to late to sow seeds?

    hello all I'm growing a vegetable garden for the first time in a while, and since I'm living on my scholarship money I have to wait until febuary to purchase seeds I was wondering if it would be to late to start my seeds then I plan to grow cucumbers eggplant tomatoes watermelon cantaloupe...
  5. D

    new to growing

    I figure I use them enough as it is I should grow them anyone have seeds I could get for fairly cheap? I like hot peppers