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  1. trinicoolieboy

    hybrids Couple Crazy Crosses from Trinidad

    Well i guess you guys haven't really seen me since i brought the barrackpore 7 pot on the scene...... don't worry i didn't disappear..... just career re-direction so to speak....... but still planting my superhots in my spare time as any one else......   So i didn't intentionally cross these...
  2. trinicoolieboy

    breeding 7 Pot Cherry??? ...... Another cross?

    Ok folks..... well its me again..... the amount of times i am off and on this forum..... :/ So i'm here just soaking some seeds overnight to begin setting them tomorrow: So this is my story...... its from deep south trinidad..... in a village called Moruga (bet you heard of there before)...
  3. trinicoolieboy

    seeds-germination Butch T Seeds

    Anyone got butch T scorps seeds to trade / sell?.... ok so i haven't been in the forum for a while... not sure i'm supposed to post this here... :/
  4. trinicoolieboy

    TCB Glog 2012

    So i finally got restarted...... very slowly, small # of plants.... so here goes.... one week after setting seeds....... These are actually from a brain strain that had undergone a couple generations in a small farm.... not sure what kinda crossing happened... but we'll see..... Check out the...
  5. trinicoolieboy

    TCB is back :D!

    Hey everyone........ Just decided to give a hail out to all...... i know i have been missing in action for the past year or so (probably even longer)........ Was totally out of it in the recent past...... i switched jobs from an engineer in the desalination industry to an industrial chemist at...
  6. trinicoolieboy

    Silly Request

    Hey everyone..... guess its really been a long while since i checked in with THP...... don't really have much of an excuse for being away this time lol.... Seasons Greetings to all btw :D ok so now for my silly request..... i know i supplied a couple of you guys with the barrackpore 7...
  7. trinicoolieboy

    TCB's Grow Log 2010

    Its about that time that i got around to finally posting some pics........... got a really late start this year (then again in trinidad, there is no late start........... u can start whenever u ;) DIY greenhouse...... more like DIY shade shed :/ Here's a view of what it...
  8. trinicoolieboy

    Noob @ Hydro

    OK.... So all of my years of pepper growing has been in the soil!........ only recently decided to learn about hydro systems.... first order of business is try out a water culture type setup with lettuce or something easy to grow.... then i'ma move on up to probably an ebb & flow where i will...
  9. trinicoolieboy

    Another pepper ID thread

    ok.......... so by now we all know trinidad is a haven for crosses between chinenses........... my renters bought this at the market and gave me a pod....... i am not too sure what to make of it...... aware that pics make it hard to ID pods.... here's what i observed: - Definitely has 7 pot...
  10. trinicoolieboy

    greenhouse Greenhouse Advice

    Ok..... so i'm thinking of building a small "greenhouse" .............. actually its more of a shaded area to keep seedlings after they have germinated.... this trinidadian sun is just too god damn hot for you to care for seedlings - the soil dries up quickly and well with that type of sun on...
  11. trinicoolieboy

    seeds-germination Floating Seeds

    True to fact or no? All floating seeds are duds?
  12. trinicoolieboy

    looking for a couple seeds to get me restarted

    hey guys...... as you know on some of my previous posts.... i have been out of it for a couple months.... all of my pepper plants are dead and dried to a crisp in the trinidadian sun :( .............. i have gotten an extremely huge amount of seeds from alot of you guys with the barrackpore 7's...
  13. trinicoolieboy

    CARDI Update

    Just playing around on the CARDI site...... here is an update of some of the developments in the Caribbean (i would sure like to get my hands on the "Tiger Teeth" they been talking about): Activities of Regional Scope CARDI regional varietal improvement programme is currently focused on...
  14. trinicoolieboy

    seeds-germination Seed Shelf-Life

    Heys guys I received a whole bunch of varities of seeds from you guys doing some trades for the Barrackpore 7's - this was around July to September last year....... Unfortunately I could not have set any of them at the time - been engrossed in doing some design work in a ridiculously short...
  15. trinicoolieboy

    Largest / Heaviest Hab Smackdown

    well i decided to start this post for any Hab type pod...........whats the biggest one or heaviest one you grew? i know some of you guys have monster habs out is the biggest one i got so far...... come on em!
  16. trinicoolieboy

    A walk thru the Garden This Afternoon

    came back from work.......passed thru the garden and got these:
  17. trinicoolieboy

    Barrackpore 7 Pot

    hey guys....remember i had made a thread called "name that pod" and in the end i decided to call the pod barrackpore 7 pod.........heres a couple pics of the most recent pod i picked............its pretty pimply
  18. trinicoolieboy

    Today's Pick

  19. trinicoolieboy

    soil-media SOIL MIXTURES

    Ok so this topic probably has been discussed quite a while now.... but just for information sake....... what is your ideal soil mix when it comes to potting up (5 Gal or higher)....? how do you cope with the nitrogen - potassium balance when it comes to flowering and producing pods......?
  20. trinicoolieboy

    Shamrock's Grow Log 2009

    So i decided to start a grow log for 2009. Here are some pics: First Stage - anxiously awaiting The babies Larger Homes