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  1. K

    Collapsing plants

    Fellow Hot Heads, Got a definite type of situation here. I'm starting to lose plants like crazy. They don't even wilt, they just collapse and die. It appears they've been infected with a soil born fungi (either Fusarium or a Verticilium wilt) that I introduced into my pepper patch (4X8 raised...
  2. K

    offer: Hmong pepper seed WTT

    I've got some Hmong pepper seeds to trade. I got these from some nice red ripe Hmong peppers I got at the St. Paul Hmong Farmers Market when I was there for a wedding last weekend. The whole Hmong scene in St. Paul is pretty cool: the Hmong farmers market and the Hmong International Market...
  3. K

    wanted Pepper Plants Wanted: Chicagoland

    Hi all, hope everybodys' peppers are doing better than mine. my seedling are officially DOA. what a suckfest. you spend so much time caring for them, nurturing them and then they go bad. germination rates were great but they just couldn't escape the seedling stage, just never grew and then they...
  4. K

    Choices for a Hot Sweet Peppa'

    hey gang, I hope everybody's having a great spring/summer and all your peppers are going strong. I'm just writing here asking for anybodys' recs or fave pics on a hot sweet pepper. Don't get me wrong, I dig the superhots, your bhuts your habs and your savinas,etc. and I love the way they...
  5. K


    just wanted to give a shout-out to Patrick. very generous with his seeds and effort. thanks for the package Patrick, that's quite a nice selection of seeds. and mucho thanks for the different powders. look forward to tasting them all. definitely a cool guy and great trader. also received my...
  6. K

    Dang! Pepper Problems

    Hey gang, my little thai seedlings, which took a month to germinate and seem to be growing at a snail's pace have taken a turn for the worse. Their leaves are yellowing and puckng upwards. I baby them and they are either in a sunlit window or under flourescents . I don't water until they're...
  7. K

    wanted Seeds wanted. Buy, beg or trade.

    Hey gang, new member here. just found this site last night and joined today. I'm hoping some folks here might be able to help me out with some hot pepper seeds . I'm happy to buy, beg, or trade. I've got for trading some pepper seeds I picked up in Thailand last fall. six different samples...