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  1. T

    Visiting Dothan Alabama

    Hello Everyone,  Im currently visiting Dothan AL and will be here til next Wed and was looking to visit some peoples gardens while I am here if anyone is around (within an hour). Or, Im looking for any suggestions of places to go and I know people on this forum would have some good ideas.  Look...
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    thecollegekid's first GLOG

    I have wanted to start the time consuming process of a GLOG for the last couple years. School has gotten the best of me but i think i will be able to squeeze the time to create one this year and actually enjoy it rather than stress me out. I have started 60+ varieties of bhuts, 7pots, TS, and...
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    wanted Looking for ground cherry, tomatillo seeds, and purple bhut seeds.

    I have just finished planting the 70 varieties of super hots I will grow this year and am looking to round out my grow list for this year.  I have plenty of pepper seeds to trade if you are looking for something specific let me know. The purple bhut is the last of the supers i want to start this...
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    wanted Looking to trade fresh peppers for seeds

    CLOSED FOR NOW-I got into growing peppers on a large scale this year and my seed stock is down and looking to get it back to full before the start of this next season. I just finished harvesting all my plants before the frost last night. They are all bhuts, 7-pots, and tscorps and looking to get...
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    wanted Looking for purple bhut

    I am looking to add some color in my garden and looking for some purple bhut seeds. i have a long list of superhots, good variety of 7pot and habs but mainly have excess butch t from mr butch t himself, as well as some stabilized hybrids he has made. Thanks
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    seeds-germination Germination-How much water to have in the bottom of party cups

    I have searched old forums and have not found the answer. So anyone who has had success in germinating in party cups with lids, I am wondering how much water to have on the bottom. I have 4 layers of paper towel in there because one or two dry out too quickly. Should there be excess or just...
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    wanted ISO HOT Pepper varieties for college experiment

    I am a chemistry graduate student doing a project using HPLC. I'm using university greenhouses under various conditions, ie: hydroponic and strictly under grow lights, pots and in beds, in order to see which yields the highest scoville unit. It started as just testing the Scorpion but then...