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  1. B

    Deformed leaves

    Hi there My Bishops Crown and Red Moruga plants are getting deformed leaves. At first (after searching similar threads) I thought it was lack of calcium so I gave them some dolomite lime, but 3 weeks later and they are still getting worse. I've had a few aphids on them and treated with...
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    fertilizer White Habs very sensitive to fertilizer?

    Last week I potted up some seedlings from the propagator into individual pots using a mix of Yates Premium potting mix and perlite. My yellow bhuts and red morougas are looking good, but the leaves on some of my white habs are curling up at the ends and look burnt on the tips - resembling...
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    overwintering Overwintering question

    Hi After receiving our first light frost of the winter here in Auckland I pruned back most of my plants for the winter and moved them to the shelter of my deck. Since then about half of my plants including all of my caballos have sprouted new growth. Should I prune them again or just leave them...
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    Insane Bhut Jolokia

    I stumbled upon this on facebook, WTF! There are more pods than leaves!
  5. B

    Leaf curl?

    Hi there This is my first post here (I've been lurking for a while). It's also my first year growing. The leaves on some of my Caballo seedlings are turning a lighter colour and curling down (see pics below). After reading a few threads/articles I have started mixing epsom salts in with the...