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  1. Myra Mains

    Yellow Moruga Strain?

    Pulled some ripe pods today and thought I would have Fajitas with the Yellow Moruga & Sandia with a nice cheese Queso with the Chocolate & White Habs. My guts already hate me and I haven't even started cooking yet :o) Some of my Yellow Morugas have stingers but most like this one do not...
  2. Myra Mains

    Today's Lunch

    Pulled some ripe pods today and thought I would have Fajitas with the Yellow Moruga & Sandia with a nice cheese Queso with the Chocolate & White Habs. My guts already hate me and I haven't even started cooking yet :o) Some of my Yellow Morugas have stingers but most like this one do not...
  3. Myra Mains

    How long to ripen?

    My Yellow Moruga Scorpion has been sprouting pods for almost three weeks (over 30 pods as of today) now and some are getting huge (golf ball size) but they dont seem to want to change color. Can anyone give an estimate on how long I have to suffer waiting for them to change as they are good...
  4. Myra Mains

    Problem of the day 6/4

    Any help with a cure along with identification of the problem is much appreciated as I am lost on these. I am in AZ. with trip digits and watering less realy is not an option because my soil drains a little to well and daily watering in needed to prevent wilt. I added fertz for the first time...
  5. Myra Mains

    MyraMains 2012 Pepper Glog

    It all started in Feb. when I bought myself a birthday present of eight different types of hot pepper seeds (115 seeds total) due to the outragous cost of peppers in the market. I took a standard heating pad and a 72 compartment seeding tray two types of soil (MG Seed Starter & MG Organic...
  6. Myra Mains

    Hello from Tucson AZ

    Hi Everyone, My name is Bill and it been 3 days since my last ghost pepper :o) Im having some problems with my plants and hope to get edumacated here. Strains I am growing this year are (In order of heat) Yellow Moruga Scorpion Trinidad Scorpion Bhut Jolokia Yellow Bhut Red Savina Habanero...