Search results

  1. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted Looking for Judy's Brown Moruga seeds

    Really looking for any pepperlover strains like her brown Moruga and brainstrains.. I heard they are no longer in business is this true? I always ordered from her alwaya great stuff.. Will do sasbe or pay..
  2. RalphTheChilihead

    Silver Surfer

    I've been growing these mixed red superhots from silver surfer since at least 2014-15 always fun to see what comes out .. anybody else growing any strains from his selection.. and whatever happened to the thp legend?
  3. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted Iso: red brain strain seeds

    Would love to get my hands on some red brain strain and butch t and yellow hahanero seeds! My seed collection is very low and I'm strapped for cash too.. and I have bought stuff from dealers... just looking for a couple that's all will do sasbe
  4. RalphTheChilihead

    I got duped.

    Well I guess it had to eventually happen .. I did a trade to get some Carolina reaper seeds and it looks like I got jalapeno or thai.... I guess look at the bright side they're healthy.. just kinda bummed
  5. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted ISO Carolina reaper seeds

    My carolina reaper seed stock is low would to find some with super gnarly tails... I'm willing to trade and sasbe also on my want list: Big Bhut Jolokia red, 7pot SR gigantic, chocolate kraken.. Thank you
  6. RalphTheChilihead

    trade Trade?

    Anybody wanna trade? Im getting the itch for nxt years grow! Im looking for infinty,butch t, sepia serpent,7pot gigantic and sbj7.. Inbox me ill send my trade list
  7. RalphTheChilihead

    hybrids Brown Moruga Crosses

    Anybody growing any this year!
  8. RalphTheChilihead

    Naga Viper vs Infinity

    Anybody growing these this year? I got one naga viper plant from whitehotpeppers growing.. But which would win! Lol
  9. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted ISO mustard Bhutan jolokia

    I had like 4 seeds started them and one sprouted and died off others never came up look like mold got em... Total bummer Sry meant mustard Bhut jolokia
  10. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted ISO: Seeds for 2017

    I'm looking for Gator Jigsaw CPR Yellow Primo 7 pot Lucy Jays Chocolate ghost scorpion 7 pot white Thanks!!
  11. RalphTheChilihead

    Anybody growing infinity?

    I got 2 growing will post when podage comes!
  12. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted ISO 7 pot mustard pepper seeds

    I'd be willing to pay!! Trying to get a couple more 7pot varieties for nxt years grow..
  13. RalphTheChilihead

    Brown moruga cross??

    Anybody know if anybody crossed a brown moruga with anything??
  14. RalphTheChilihead

    trade anybody wanna trade?

    im looking for jigsaw and kraken scorpion and some cool hybrids     i have: brown moruga yellow brainstrain red brainstrain red moruga bhut jolokia PDN x 7PJ SB7J Manzano Giant Jalepeno Ho Chi Minh Pepper Aji Lemon Chocolate Moruga Scorpion     Shoot me some offers!!!   CHEERS!
  15. RalphTheChilihead

    wanted yum i want some homemade hot sauce! :(

    i would love to try some of the hot sauce people make! yummo makes my mouth water!   anybody giving samples? lol!   Fire On People!
  16. RalphTheChilihead

    My Pepper Wishlist!

    i know ill never see the light of day on any of these anytime soon but a pepperhead can dream cant he! whats your wishlist!!!!   white or purple bhut jolokia pink tiger VV7 Borg 9 Chocolate Brainstrain Douglah x Scorpion Douglah x Reaper B.O.C. bhut orange Brazilian Ghost Brazilian Ghost x...
  17. RalphTheChilihead

    Whats Your Favorite Bell!

    its a little off the hot pepper subject, but just curious what are some of ya'lls favorite varieties of the bell species? im curious about the white and the chocolate myself! LMK! :dance:
  18. RalphTheChilihead

    Lookin' For

    hey pepperheads!   just wondering if anybody could spare me a couple naga viper seeds? lmk inbox me
  19. RalphTheChilihead

    what's hot right now...

    What is your want list for 2015????
  20. RalphTheChilihead

    Ethiopian Brown Pepper

    Anybody got it??? And lookin to trade LMK.