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  1. J

    chinense My ghosts aren't hot

    Ours are identical to the pic. And we only water it when it is wilted and droopy. But we have had a few rainy spells here and there.
  2. J

    chinense My ghosts aren't hot

    I do apologize but I am not able to post pictures at this time. For sake of argument let's just assume that these ARE bhut jolokia. Is there any reason a healthy plant would produce nice healthy peppers that just don't live up to the claimed heat of a ghost? Don't get me wrong they are hot. But...
  3. J

    chinense My ghosts aren't hot

    Can u give me a quick run down on fast and easy way to upload a pic to this forum? Btw I'm on an Android
  4. J

    chinense My ghosts aren't hot

    Please help! My hubby and I are on a never ending quest to destroy our friend who claims he can never find a hot sauce hot enough. We are not fire eaters so our crop of habaneros and jolokias has been on a learning curve. The habaneros blistered my tongue and we were both very impressed. But the...