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  1. P

    Blue Pepper?

    Those pics have been manipulated. Masquerades don't come close to that color.
  2. P

    [Apr 17] What are you working on this week?

    I've been helping a friend build his greenhouse.     Took a ride to CCN for a couple of plants, and repotted all of my peppers that were in 5g buckets and amended the soil they were in.
  3. P

    Aji Lemon Drop Seeds At Walmart?

      Me too. I grew mine out in a small pot with the intent on the plant growing just big enough to get a handful of pods to see if I liked them. I got a lot more than expected. I gave two plants of it away that were grown in regular gardens and they produced like crazy!  I still have my plant from...
  4. P

    A new TV and Weed Seeds

    A new TV and Weed Seeds
  5. P

    Pump Sprayers

      Thank you for the offer, but seeing as I'll need enough for about 12-15 5g pots, I might as well find a place to order some from. I remember bookmarking a site that sold some sort of surfactant, now I just need to remember which site it was.   I really made this post just to tell the good...
  6. P

    Pump Sprayers

    I've found watering my potted plants to be a PITA,once the soil starts to dry out it channels the water like crazy and most of it runs out the bottom of the pot. I decided to try a pump sprayer to give them a finer spray than any of my watering cans are able to produce. After some searching I...
  7. P

    [Feb 27] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

    I'm trying my first attempt at Air Layering on a Brazilian Starfish.     And just maintaining the rest of last years plants. I can't wait till they get to go outside.     And finally, cloning the clones I took from last year for a couple of planters I made. Around the outside, it's mostly...
  8. P

    heat Capsaicin eliquid a vape for a chilli head. Info needed!

      Because trolls have nothing better to do with their time.  
  9. P

    Should I be worried?

    This year I planted 2 seeds per plant in Rapid Rooters, most broke ground within a week of one another. I did have a couple that took weeks to a month for the second seed to show themselves. So I wouldn't worry to much.
  10. P

    [Feb 20] What are you working on this week? Group activity log

    I painted a motorhome. It doesn't show in the pics, but the green is done in metalflake.          
  11. P

    I guess my season is starting early

    At the end of last years growing season, I had a lot of peppers still needed time to grow and ripen. I brought them inside and threw a 400w MH over them to finish off the pods. Instead of doing a full over winter, I cut them back and switched the lighting to a 70w MH on a 6' light mover to keep...
  12. P

    Help with programming a temp controller

      Hey, you're not allowed to laugh at my stupidity unless you are going to help! :rofl: :rofl:  :party:     AAAAAH, who am I kidding, go ahead and laugh. :dance:
  13. P

    Help with programming a temp controller

    I'm hoping someone here can explain how to program this controller in layman's terms. I have managed to get it to go on and off at very close to the temps I want by playing around with it, but I still don't understand how to program it.  This hysteresis thing has me totally confused. Every time...
  14. P


      How much percentage wise to your soil mix were you using?
  15. P


    Thanks Juanitos.   I've used Azos and Mycos in the past, I was under the impression that recharge had more going for it than both of these products. I have just a little bit left of Azos and Mycos left, and will try the recharge and see if it has any benefits I didn't see with either of them.  ...
  16. P

    Dumb question, but I want to know,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I wasn't looking for an exact match in flavor of course. More of a general and I'm guessing subtle match. For instance say a purple color would give an earthy/smoky flavor (I have no idea what the characteristics of a purple pepper are, and am just using it as an example), would there be a...
  17. P

    The spice is everywhere.

    Last year I was in Odd Lots and they had Lindt chili chocolate bars that were very tasty, but could've used a bit more heat.   I'm not a fan of orange and chocolate, but THC infused chocolate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  
  18. P


    I was wondering if anyone here has tried Recharge and if so, what did you think of it?  It got a lot of favorable reviews on the cannabis forum I visit.
  19. P

    Dumb question, but I want to know,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I'm not sure I'll be asking this correctly, do colors of peppers tend to have the some of the same flavor characteristics from strain to strain?   For example, lets say peppers A, B, and C are all available in red, white, chocolate, peach, yellow. Will the colors affect the flavors similarly...
  20. P

    seed-plant-vendors Aji Pineapple seeds

      PM sent and thank you.