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  1. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Hi, Bent ~ That's too funny about the spelling thing, but it's also embarrassing.:mouthonfire: I wonder if I'll ever make it a habit of proof reading (?). Well, since you planted your last one I guess that takes out asking you for some. I checked out eBay and they have them. I also...
  2. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Sorry... that was to say GOOD one. I forgot an O & a D.
  3. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Hey, Chilliman64, I see it was your birthday yesterday ~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a go one. Jet ~
  4. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Thanks for getting back to me, Bentalphanerd. I'll check out the recipes soon. Right now I'm up to my neck in drying, crushing, and pickling. As far as trying something different ~ Naga Jolokia & Red Savina would be something I'd like to try. But to tell you the truth, the way you discribed...
  5. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Hi Bentalphanerd ~ When I said everything but ice cream, I thought I was making a joke. I see now that the joke's on me. I still think I'll keep the peppers off my ice cream. I logged onto your site... you have some nice peppers going on down there. I live in New Jersey (USA) and...
  6. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Hi Chilliman64 ~ As with what I mentioned before to bentalphanerd... I mainly use it as a shake. I make my own beef jerky - which I've been told by so many that it's the best they ever had - and I shake it on top of the meat after it's laid out on the trays. I've also added soy sauce (or...
  7. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Hi bentalphanerd ~ I use it on all the foods one would use the plain Jane store bought crushed pepper. I just had it on my pizza. I also use it on all my pasta, steaks, soups,... almost everything, but ice cream.
  8. J

    Drying Cayenne Peppers

    Hi Everyone ~ Just registered... needed to know if I can air dry cayanne peppers like I do with my chile peppers. They just seem so large for air drying. I hate for them to grow moldy. I thought I might share a recipe I have for crushed pepper. I used Habanero peppers (although any...