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  1. Siouxzn

    Dark/black/evil varieties?

    Czech Black
  2. Siouxzn

    soil Soil for raised bed

    so, my bed I made was almost the exact same size.. but I had only one.   I also ordered 9 cubic yards for the bed but ended up only using half of it. I put a rock layer on the bottom for drainage. used a bunch of the sod I pulled up to fill in about a foot of the bottom layer and then used the...
  3. Siouxzn

    seeds Length of time to germinate?

    I had a range from 5 - 18 days.. and I just noticed that the ones I gave up on and threw into a discard pile had about 4 that popped up.... hrmpf   No longer labeled.. no idea what they are but I will plant them. They will be my hunger game plants
  4. Siouxzn

    Helmet head factors

    I had a lot of them as well. Very frustrating. I figured it was the set up I had and the fact that the seeds were fairly shallow to begin with.. maybe less effort popping through means less effort breaking out of the helmet. All guesses, and all probably wrong.
  5. Siouxzn

    Jveri's 2016 Glog

      I noticed your Flora Gro nutes in the background there (not to mention the rockwool for some of your starts). Do you also grow hydroponically?   nice list!
  6. Siouxzn

    Who Tops Their Peppers?

    Late to the discussion... But I do not top mainly because I am chicken..   But I had a critter do the topping for me until all that was left were short sticks. I had several of the same variety so I was not too concerned and let them go to see if they would pop back. All the ones attacked were...
  7. Siouxzn

    Tips for growing Manzanos?

    My Rocotos were the last to ripen, but only a few were able to before the weather changed. I ended up bringing many of them indoors (the pods) hoping they would ripen inside off the plant and a few did. Trying again this year.   One thing I noticed is once the cooler weather hit (not cold) they...
  8. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

      Or wanting to use the dirt for something!  :)     Yes I know.. I make this mistake every year. But there are so many varieties I want to try!! I am like a pepper hoarder!     Ok.. so update on the seedlings: I had several pop up on day 5 and every day get new ones.. Most varieties have popped...
  9. Siouxzn

    Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade

    Oh those look amazing!! jealous!
  10. Siouxzn

    Reaper X NuMex Twilight

    Ah man, Mini Gut Destroyers!! That is a cool cross you have there! Hopefully you get more seeds from these and they stay true
  11. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

      I hope these grow! I only had a few seeds to work with. If they are successful and  get pods, I would be more than happy to send you some seeds!
  12. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

    It is called Sunshine Natural and Organic   Bag looks like this:     I have had really good luck with germination, but because the blocks are tiny compared to the burpee tray cells, I have to use a heat regulator with the heat mat
  13. Siouxzn

    indoor First time indoor grower.

      Yes! I didn't realize i was doing this until too late
  14. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

    Am I allowed to post the vendor where I bought it? just google soil block maker..Johnny seeds and that one I posted is the 20 block maker.
  15. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

      They are soil blocks.. Compressed soil. They work really well and you can fit many on one tray (I have 160 per tray!).   The press has an indentation for the seed to fit in. If you do it right, the soil is so compressed you can pick it up easily without it falling apart and as long as you keep...
  16. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

      True! But he usually has that dissapproving look to him. heh     yes! I was sent one in a sample box and I am excited to see how it grows out. I am not sure if it is stable or not.     He feels like he is 30 lbs when he sits on my chest at night!
  17. Siouxzn

    And the New Season Begins!

    Well I just started my grow for the new year! 360 seeds down... 80 varieties! I clearly need some kind of therapy       shown in one of two trays.. (don't worry, the seeds were covered after I took the for scale)   Varieties this year:   Cyclone                Czech Black...
  18. Siouxzn

    wanted Pepper Seeds Wanted

    I have serrano, Trinidad perfume, Habaneros ( a few types)
  19. Siouxzn

    Peppers vs Tomatoes

      agreed! I even had an evil rat eat some of my pepper plants down to the stub and they came back and produced. I got that little bastard and put his head on a pike warning all others to stay away (kidding.....maybe)
  20. Siouxzn

    SFRB - Seed Saver Collection - 60 Diff Varieties + Bonus 5 Hot Powder Samples $20 **Sold**

    Just wanted to say an official Thank you! received the box of peppers last week and had fun sampling them all. Thank you for the speedy delivery and awesome collection!