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  1. FrenChilli

    Weird Looking Habs

    Thanks guys. Not what I ordered, but I'll be sure to enjoy them.
  2. FrenChilli

    Weird Looking Habs

    I got them through Baker Creek Seeds.
  3. FrenChilli

    Weird Looking Habs

    This is what the flower looks like.
  4. FrenChilli

    Weird Looking Habs

    It was supposed to be a Carribean habanero. Any ideas?
  5. FrenChilli

    What is This?

    This was my first chilie grow. I wasn't even sure that I could grow them in zone 5 conditions.  I grew Reapers, C Bhutlas, Habs, and Piri Piris.  Can anyone identify this?  I don't know if this is destabilized bhutla, or if I somehow got the wrong seeds.  They taste like my Reapers but they are...
  6. FrenChilli

    The Addiction

    I also always enjoyed spicy food, but hanging out with Indian friends really spiked my love for all things hot. Ted Barrus' You Tube videos have motivated me to start growing this year. I never knew chilies could be so vibrant and complex. My friends think I'm an idiot, and my wife is...
  7. FrenChilli

    How do you store your peppers?

    I'll dehydrate mine. I want to build a home dehydrater using a box fan, bungee cords and cotton furnace filters. I'll dehydrate mine. I want to build a home dehydrater using a box fan, bungee cords and cotton furnace filters.
  8. FrenChilli

    Spiciest Dish You've Had At a Restaurant

    Mine is Bengalore Phal. I ignored the warnings, and the server actually recoiled as he served it to me. I'm sure I heard someone shout "stupid whitie" from the kitchen. I was high on endorphins for 30 minutes after.
  9. FrenChilli

    What's Up From The Great White North!

    I just wanted to take a moment to say hello.   I have always loved chilies, and spicy food in general.  I've grown tired of buying the same variety of no-so-fresh chilies from the super market so I'm growing my own this year.  I'm trying my hand at piri piris, habs, Carolina Reapers, and...