Search results

  1. P

    pod supposed to be moruga scorpion. ....

    Wow now that im not searching good for pepper plant with white and yellow flowers and search for nightshade its pretty obvious. :( probably to late in the season up here to start a moruga from scratch now argh.. i was so excited to see it taking off.. they do say some nightshades are poisonous...
  2. P

    pod supposed to be moruga scorpion. ....

    :( figures.. think its worth letting it grow?
  3. P

    pod supposed to be moruga scorpion. ....

    Thank you guys awesome forum pictures soon Im seriously starting to doubt this even being a pepper :( never seen a cluster of 6-7 buds and this thing has them all over... help me not waste more time on this thing
  4. P

    pod supposed to be moruga scorpion. ....

    I was recently gifted a moruga scorpion in a can.. i couldnt get it to germinate in the can so i dumped it out and put the seeds in a pot... and now im not sure if the one out of 5 seeds that germinated is a moruga. . Has 5 pedals and a yellow center.. multiple clusters of "fruit" (to small and...