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  1. S

    Greetings from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada!

    Thanks for all of the 'warm' welcomes everyone!! Awesome to be here! Just got home from work and went out to check on my pepper patch. Brought in three ripe Apaches. All three about an inch and a quarter or so. Will freeze for sauce making time.
  2. S

    Perils of Gardening

    I used to live in Southern California and co-existed with black widows, rattle snakes and tarantulas. Didn't like them, but found out that if you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. We have northern widows here in south-western Ontario but they're very rare. --SIS
  3. S

    2015 Pepper Hauls

    Gah!! You guys are making me jealous!! I have a while to go before I get any sort of decent haul. I WILL be patient though. --SIS
  4. S

    Kung Pao peppers turn brown then purple

    I'll have to snap a pic of my plants too. Just need to figure out how to post pics here too :)
  5. S

    what's going on????

    Hey SL3 -- could he try some eggs shells around the base of his plants? Also, SL3, is that a reference to SL3 gear in the service? Just asking asking I spent eight years in the Marines. I'm in Canada now as I married a Canadian :)
  6. S

    Kung Pao peppers turn brown then purple

    Hey Guys -- I've got two Gong Bao's growing here in my container garden. Are we talking about the same pepper, just different names? If so, I'm willing to leave a few peppers on the plant past red to see what they do. Worth a shot. They've just started to turn red actually. Great plants...
  7. S

    how big do reapers normally get?

    Gangaskan -- One of my Habanero plants and one of my Scotch Bonnet plants did the same thing. Both produced a ripe pod about the size of a nickel or so. The habby was earlier than the Scotch Bonnet by about ten days or so. I picked both to get them off the plant and froze them for a sauce I...
  8. S

    what's going on????

    I'm still a green horn to growing but I'd brave a guess and say you're either over fertilizing or using a fertilizer the plants don't really agree with. If I'm not mistaken, your leaves will curl if you're providing too much nitrogen. --SIS
  9. S

    Greetings from Sarnia, Ontario, Canada!

    Hey All! I've been a chili freak for a long time now, however this year I finally dove head first into growing my own peppers, as well as learning all I can about hot peppers, growing, flavours etc. I'm eager to learn from all of you guys and look forward to contributing what I can. I'm not...