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  1. Y

    Indoor LED reapers/habs/ghost

    I started a small LED set up a whilre ago and havn't posted since. I introduced my set up a little in this post, .   Here's a little update. I'd received my seeds on Feb. 1/2 and planted them right away. What didn't occur to me is that I was...
  2. Y

    Small LED build

    I'm setting up in a cabinet that is 18x36 by 26 tall (inside). I know this is a little small but I hope to trim them back to keep them short, as I don't have enough space for much more. I have a calculated 13,000 lumens of 5000k white light from Samsung 2323 LEDs. Since this is coming from so...
  3. Y

    Yazovyet from Toronto

    Hello,   I've decided to embark on another pepper gowing adventure! I'm about to start a new LED set up and wanted to share and get some opinions on my set up and progress. I am going for a full indoor grow as I don't have any outside space. I've grown hot peppers (chocolate habineros) indoors...