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  1. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

    Quick Update   The weather has been great the past week and decided to transplant a little early. I am sure they will be fine. I have been pulling off all of the flowers, but I am letting one plant flower right now (the krakty/DWC one). More pictures of the plants outside soon, but here is one...
  2. AyeCasperJack

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

      Thank you for your reply. Great to hear your plants are doing good since they were transplanted. The plant is still a live, but hasn't been showing any signs of growth. I will be able to plant out in about 2 weeks. I guess I will just wait and see. 
  3. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

    As you might see, my first glog is not off to a great start. The peppers are growing great, but it has been 2 moths since I have updated this glog. I will try to upload more regularly.    The peppers are still in my grow box. I started feeding some liquid fertilizer on 1/3 to 1/2 of it...
  4. AyeCasperJack

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

      When I did feed the plant, it was with the same fertilizer I used for my seedlings (which usually was 1/3 to 1/2 of the actual recommended strength). I will just give it some normal water for now and see how things go, let's hope it wil survive until it can go outside. Thank you for thinking...
  5. AyeCasperJack

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

      Yes, I did feed it a water soluble fertilizer (general fertilizer for vegetables twice), I also gave it some basic hydrophonics neutrients about a month ago. I am thinking about transplanting to a pot that is just a little bigger (till last frost) and giving it some fresh soil. What do you think? 
  6. AyeCasperJack

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

    Hey Guys,    I am looking for some advice/thoughts on my plant that I decided to overwinter last season (Not sure if this is the best place to post). It has been in a 7L pot since last season and has been in front of a somewhat sunny window. It started growing new branches and leaves very...
  7. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

      Sure! Here are some more pictures. I also tried to make a some kind of technical drawing, note that I am not a professional technician so I have no idea if this is the right way to do this, but it works  :rolleyes:! If you have some more questions, please ask.    Technical Drawing   Top...
  8. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

    Extremely small update First seed that sprouted with thee cotyledon, I guess that is what the first leaves are called  :confused: . After some quick online research it seems to be nothing special. Could mean it is a hybrid pepper, but not necessarily. I also lost the tag for this seedling so I...
  9. AyeCasperJack


    I have heard a lot about those post, really curious to the final results of the different pots. Do you have any prior experience with those pots? If so, how did you like them? 
  10. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

      Thank you, It is just some regular play sand which I testen with some vinegar. To be honest I don't know what the vinegar reacts to, but I read somewhere that when the vinegar bubbles it is not safe to use for your plants. 
  11. AyeCasperJack

    tsurrie's 2016 glog

      My current set-up is around 90 watt all together, but doesn't nearly provide enough light for that many plants. The plants are not even outside yet and already thinking about my set-up for next season. This pepper growing thing sure is addicting!  :surprised:
  12. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

    Quick Update New seeds are germinating   New signs of life   Jalapeno Early   Chinese Five Color Pepper, since the last batch had a very bad germination rate.    Cayenne Peppers   May we all have a great growing season // Casper
  13. AyeCasperJack

    tsurrie's 2016 glog

    Really like the setup you got going on. Love the leds and fans. I currently have a similar setup, smaller and with cfl bulbs, but would love to eventually switch to led. Is there any change you could tell me some more about the built and tech? I also read that you are currently keeping the...
  14. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

      Thank you for your feedback. Too much water might be it indeed, we will see if and how it will recover the next few days. I really love bonsai trees and have done lots of research, but I have always thought it would be really hard to maintain. A pepper bonchi is really cool, but I am wondering...
  15. AyeCasperJack

    A new grower from The Netherlands

    First of all, let me thank you all for your warm welcome! Since online communties are all about sharing knowledge and having fun I started my own growing log which you can visit right here!
  16. AyeCasperJack

    Casper's 2016 Peppers

    A New Adventure What’s up guys? I joined and introduced myself to this great community yesterday. You can visit that post right here. First of all, let me thank you for your warm welcome!  Since an online community is all about sharing knowledge an having fun I thought I would share my current...
  17. AyeCasperJack

    A new grower from The Netherlands

    Hey Guys, a new member and pepper grower from The Netherlands (zone 7/8) here. Just a short post to introduce myself to this awesome community. I am 20 years-old, currently finishing my final year of Uni studying Communication and Multimedia Design. I found this forum a couple of days ago and...