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  1. C

    Introduction and chilli update

    WoW! What an awesome garden! It must keep you quite occupied. I like your Rocotos. I have a few seedlings started of them as well as other varieties.
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    cloning cloning pepper plants

    How do you cut the shoots off of your plants and how do you root them? Are the ones up higher in the plant better for cloning?
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    seeds YMCA leaves on my seedlings

    Nothing unusual. Some seedlings will do that. Why? I don't know exactly. I can tell you though, that I noticed it more when it was getting dark.
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    Double cup?

      I gotcha, so by watering from the bottom, water never reaches the surface area, preventing the fungus gnats from laying their eggs, and it also prevents the fungus from growing. I suppose I can do this with large pots as well. Some of my plants are in 5 liter pots.
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    Double cup?

    What are the advantages of watering from the bottom?   thanks in advance.
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    noob, pepper not looking so great

      You may need to stake it like a tomato plant. Use some elastic fabric to attach the vines to the steak.
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    food Pastrami

    Wow, I would love to come over for lunch or dinner. The plain ticket would be worth it. :woohoo:
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    noob, pepper not looking so great

    As you may or may not know, pepper plants don't like a lot of water at all. Over watering can be a contributing factor to weak stems and branches. over watering may also stunt growth and invite pests. You should make sure your pots go dry before watering again.   You can probably do some leaf...
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    Greenfly Viruses

    Can you provide details of how often and how much you water? How long has it been since you watered before you took those pictures?
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    Nothing is sprouting!!

      It could be that your seeds were no good to begin with :rolleyes:
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    Looking for the non-toppers

    I pinched the tops of my plants to promote shoot growth and to prevent them from flowering early. They were starting to flower at 10 inches.  Do to persistent warm weather, they are still putting out flowers on the new nodes. I will continue to cut them off. Since I planted late in the season, I...
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    Nothing is sprouting!!

    I sometimes use a similar technique as yours. The difference is that instead of using zip lock bags, I stick the paper towel in a rubber maid container. I remove the lid once a day to let them breath, and I add moisture as necessary. As soon as they start to root, I put them in soil no more than...
  13. C

    water Too little water or too much?

    I scoop them out with a spoon and plant them directly in their own medium. The sooner you transplant them, the easier it is, however,  as others have stated, there is more than one way to do it. To me it seems like your plants got too much sun and not enough water.
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    My plants in 1 L pots

    For example, take a look at one of my plants below. I pinched it about a week ago. It has responded quite well to the topping. As you can see, the shoots have just taken off. Should I leave all of the shoots or should I cut the bottom ones off? thanks again.
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    My plants in 1 L pots

    Wow! those looks great! This is my first year growing. Is that how they should be trimmed, with all the bottom branches cut? I assume you will pick that fruit and then wait for them to put out some more?
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    cloning cloning pepper plants

      Yes, and that is exactly what I meant and would want to accomplish, however, it is probably not possible with an unknown hybrid. I guess clones will have to do.
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    cloning cloning pepper plants

      So the only way to keep the genetics of that plant alive,if indeed it is a hybrid, is to keep cloning it. The seeds could produce something else?
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    cloning cloning pepper plants

    I am currently growing a few pepper plants that I planted from seed that came from peppers I bought at the local produce shop. Since I am not sure if they are hybrids or not, I really have no idea what to expect from them. However, if I happen to like one of the plants, can I stabilize it by...
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    Need help: Interveinal chlorosis & weird growth at base of the stem

    45watts of light for the space that you appear to be using seems a bit low. Furthermore, fluorescent lighting doesn't really provide all the wavelengths of light in the natural light spectrum that some plants require to be able to grow healthy. As a result, you may have the proper nutrients in...
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    Need help: Interveinal chlorosis & weird growth at base of the stem

    This is my first year growing peppers as well, however, like you, I have grown many different types of plants, indoors and out. You will learn real quick, with pepper plants, not to over water them, because they will respond, negatively. You should let your soil get dry throughout before...