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  1. C

    cloning cloning pepper plants

    How do you cut the shoots off of your plants and how do you root them? Are the ones up higher in the plant better for cloning?
  2. C

    cloning cloning pepper plants

    I am currently growing a few pepper plants that I planted from seed that came from peppers I bought at the local produce shop. Since I am not sure if they are hybrids or not, I really have no idea what to expect from them. However, if I happen to like one of the plants, can I stabilize it by...
  3. C

    I am not sure what is going on here

    Hey guys, I am not sure what is going on here with my plants. My smaller ones are getting these spots, but some of the larger ones have them too.  Is this do to sunburn or is it something else?? Lately, I have been trying to harden them, and have been exposing them to more direct sunlight, and...
  4. C

    NEWbie from Buenos Aires Argentina

     I'm currently growing about 25 adolescent pepper plants. I look forward to sharing with and learning from other forum members.