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  1. B

    Anyone know what these are?

      I read up on and looked at some pictures of Fresno peppers.  My peppers definitely look like Fresnos and have heat characteristics within same range.  There are a couple of things that make me question whether they're Fresnos though.    Do Fresnos always grow pointy-end up?  All of mine are...
  2. B

    Anyone know what these are?

      Thanks!   I've been reading over old threads and I'm amazed at how much knowledge people here bring to bear.       They seem less hot but I'd have to do a side-by-side to be sure. Sounds like a fun thing to add to my to-do list. The thing that defines them for me is the flavor. It's a fruity...
  3. B

    Anyone know what these are?

    Greetings,   I've got a decent crop of some sort of pepper maturing and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about what they could be.    They have a nice juicy sweetness with a bit of heat but not much.  I'm a lightweight when it comes to heat but I'm comfortable eating these whole right off...