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  1. texastepin


    Yea it sounds like you have or had a cool set up with fish tanks. After a while the driftwood, sphagnum moss, and plants, kinda equal things out. I had discus and wild caught fish. man I miss my fish tanks. If your tanks a large enough, taking a 5 gallons out, and replacing it won't disrupt the...
  2. texastepin

    A pepper tree

      These 4 sentences need to receive an award. A gift card, a weeks vacation with pay, an ice cream cake. Well said Sirex.
  3. texastepin

    soil Problem with my potting soil bag

    Has anyone ever had a problem with leaving a bag of potting soil on the balcony?   I went to do a transplant, and my bag of soil had a nest full of house wrens. I really need the soil, I'm thinking of making the little family of wrens pay rent for using my much needed potting soil.   They have...
  4. texastepin


    I have kept aquariums for almost ten years now. The only thing I can think of for the clay is that it will hold the plants in place while in the aquarium. Some fish like to dig in the gravel for food and some just do it cuz they want a cozy place to lay. I'm sure the clay will hold nutrients...
  5. texastepin

    nutrients Secondary Macronutrients, Container watering

    I'm starting to realize that my main problem may be sunlight this year. I think I should be ok with everything else. I'm just over thinking on a lot of things. But I'm getting 6 hours of sunlight at best. That, and my roommate smokes a lot of smoke-able things, and I'm worried what that may do...
  6. texastepin

    nutrients Secondary Macronutrients, Container watering

    Hey hey everybody. Hope everyone is having a great time watching their plants grow. I have a few questions and or topics I'd like to talk about and get some feedback on. If I'm not permitted to post multiple topics in a single post, please let me know so I can edit.   1.   For my container...
  7. texastepin

    fertilizer Fertilizer question

    U can try letting your plants sit in an inch or so of water. (I use fish emulsion as well) For 3 seconds. I use a plastic bin that has a 4 to 5 inch depth. Make sure to not leave it in there too long!! The soil will eventually get evenly moist and the top soil will dry, thus killing the gnats...
  8. texastepin

    fertilizer Fertilizer question

    Some great info in this topic. Thanks guys!
  9. texastepin

    Extra supplies laying around in South Central texas

    Trying to get rid of some extra supplies I have laying around.   Over a half a bag of turkey compost from a local nursery and I have some 4-wheeled pot holders/coasters, strong and sturdy, and awesome, if any locals are interested. It was the largest size available at the stores. 4 available  ...
  10. texastepin

    Newbie - Capsicum with yellow stems

    Hey guys just a little update and info on what I've done. My pequin is doing well. Never got any new growth or signs of improvement on the yellow stems. I trimmed back the stems and left a 2 inch stem. It is now filling in it's bare side, but the growth is slow, and it's coming from the bottom...
  11. texastepin

    Newbie - Capsicum with yellow stems

    Could really use some help and advice for a Chile Pequin I have.   I live in Austin by Lake Travis. I moved away for 6 months, leaving my potted plants at the house. I finally got my plants the other weekend, and they were in awful shape. Some were dead, some just in bad shape. Looked like they...
  12. texastepin

    Chiltepin's Grow 2016

    Very nice.
  13. texastepin

    Hi Hi Hi There

    Hello everyone. Im a tepin and pequin lover. Looking forward to meeting some fellow pepper lovers. Im finally giving it a try at a grow.