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  1. ineedmilk

    Not sure what these could be

    So here are the peppers all ripe and opened them up. Very thin wall and membrane with a few seeds. The heat on them i want to say more serano like? But maybe like austin87 said cayenne x bhut... But very happy with them and love the shape and texture. They will not go too waste! Had one...
  2. ineedmilk

    Not sure what these could be

    Awsome my first hybrid! Thought the shape looked like a ghost but with way more wrinkles. Like the shape and hope the flavor is good. Anyone seen something similar to this?
  3. ineedmilk

    Not sure what these could be

    Got this plant labled as a 7pot bubblegum but its definitely not a bubblegum. Could it be a ghost or fatalii? Any ideas??
  4. ineedmilk

    Finally ripe peppers but...

    Thanks for the insight im hoping the other peppers start looking better.
  5. ineedmilk

    Finally ripe peppers but...

    So i grew this yellow thai from seeds i took from fresh peppers. Ive been patiently waiting for the peppers to ripen. Finally i have a few peppers to get some color but... there looking more orange than yellow. Also the ripe peppers are soft and feel empty. I opened up the two and the...
  6. ineedmilk

    yellow douglah?

    Wait so this could be a yellow douglah??? Does the 7 pot douglah have certain characteristics?
  7. ineedmilk

    yellow douglah?

    Thanks! I like how they look also cant wait to taste them! Thats what i thought. Wish it could have been a chocolate douglah but happy either way!
  8. ineedmilk

    yellow douglah?

    I got this labeled as an 7 pot douglah from my local nursery. But i havent heard of a yellow douglah? I thought douglahs where a dark brown color. Is this still a douglah?
  9. ineedmilk

    Too early to tell?

    Thanks! Yeah im lovin their shapes!Im excited to see them turn out hopefully to be the right peppers!
  10. ineedmilk

    Too early to tell?

    So i got these as seedlings and im hoping these are as what they were labled as. First is a Carolina reaper... And hoping this is a 7 pot douglah... Can anyone id or is it too early to tell??
  11. ineedmilk

    Tiny and spicy

    Not a bad idea. I may dip them in chocolate...
  12. ineedmilk

    Tiny and spicy

    Oh yeah eating them like skittles.
  13. ineedmilk

    Tiny and spicy

    Got these from my neighbors. They have ok heat kinda reminds me of a thai chili. Can anyone id?
  14. ineedmilk

    Newbie chili head!

    Thanks Mike it was great meeting and talking with you! Your awsome! Yeah in SB there is one nursery that carried all the ones i listed but the yellow thai. But like i said guys have been getting seedlings labled one thing and they turn out being a different pepper. Hopefully all goes well...
  15. ineedmilk

    food Got Munchies?

    Chinese food is great but sometimes i wonder if what im eating is actually what its supposed to be.... taste like chicken but it dont look like chicken? I guess if you have the munchies it doesn't matter
  16. ineedmilk

    food Got Munchies?

    Lol took me an hour to spell check my 5 sentences!
  17. ineedmilk

    food Got Munchies?

    Oh man my favorite tacos are adobada and el pastor! Lol nice!
  18. ineedmilk

    food Got Munchies?

    A few days ago made i made some death dust with a mix of peppers i got from wicked mike. Today i had the munchies bad... not sure why? So i made my go to spicy munchie dish. Kimchi ramen with soft boiled eggs and spam. With a crap load of siracha and the wicked powder i made and wala...
  19. ineedmilk

    indoor Hidden grow tent

    Thats a sick set up! I need to step up to the LED game. But ive never seen peppers like those before... Lol yeah i had to get something built to look ikea to get her approval.
  20. ineedmilk

    indoor Hidden grow tent

    Yup "peppers" only... might try and grow some oregano too