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  1. N

    Not Bhut Jolokia I assume, but what is it?

      Thanks for the reply :)    I agree that it does look like some kind of habanero. But how hot are they? Because when I simply touch these (of course I wash my hands directly afterwards) my hands turn red and it feels like they are burning all night. And using one whole in a LARGE casserole...
  2. N

    Not Bhut Jolokia I assume, but what is it?

    Hi! I got this plant from a friend who told me this was Bhut Jolokia, since that was the seeds he had ordered from some website. But it was just a few centimeters when I got it.    It is the first time I grow peppers so I don't have much knowledge, but I do not believe it is Bhut Jolokia after...