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  1. N

    Pepper id help

    Hey guys I just remembered. The ghost pepper was next to a banana pepper
  2. N

    Pepper id help

    It's thin wall. Before the heat kicked in it tasted like a non hot banana pepper.
  3. N

    Pepper id help

    Its hot
  4. N

    What peppers are these

    Sorry for the confusion. I made the post then I had kid stuff to do so I couldn't add the pics. I want to top my peppers. I have to do more searching so I do it
  5. N

    What peppers are these

    OK if you read my last post you'll know I got impatient and just started planted 3 different peppers. Yellow Banana Hungarian wax pepper Orange habanero Orange bell pepper If I can get some help i Val to never plant anything without proper identification.
  6. N

    Newbie growing peppers

    Thanks for the warm welcomes. I'm just excited and want to make sure I'm doing everything right. I have some seeds that just germinated if anyone these and lives in columbus Ohio that wants any Ghost, red habanero, yellow bell peppers. Their still in the paper towel lol. Pm me
  7. N

    Newbie growing peppers

    Hey fellow pepper growers, First let me say I started out impatient and started growing any peppers I found at the grocery store. Let's just say I lost track on what's what lol. Since I messed up I've been searching to help I.D my no named peppers. I started ordering super hots I.E. Carolina...