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  1. Pyre

    Sick Plant

    Mites, broadmites most likely
  2. Pyre

    in-ground "Underground" pots/baskets

    I do this with a different species of plants (though also Solanaceae), you drill holes, larger ones, on the sides of the pot then dig them in. In autumn you run a knife or other sharp tool along the pot edges and pull the pot out. Then they overwinter in a non-freezing safe space without any...
  3. Pyre

    scotch bonnet flowering issue

    likely dry air
  4. Pyre

    seeds-germination Germination FAQ

    I've had a much easier time not putting them in a zip lock where they're squished between paper towels or a filter, but just using a shallow tupperware container with some paper in the bottom. Seeds are then just placed on top of the wet paper, and the container can either be closed by its own...
  5. Pyre

    seed-plant-vendors whitehotpeppers

    Ordered seeds, shipping was fast and lots of really quality extras included. It's awesome that there are lots of crosses and unstables in the store too, as I love growing things with the potential of new phenos. One very very impressive thing is that all the varieties have detailed descriptions...
  6. Pyre

    Dumb question, but I want to know,,,,,,,,,,,,

    Thanks, I was a member before but then wasn't around for a few years. Good to be back.
  7. Pyre

    Dumb question, but I want to know,,,,,,,,,,,,

    I did exactly this as well. For a few years I cycled through the colors, and came back to chocolates dominating the grow as just better flavor-wise. I'm still not sure if it's not a psychological thing, but it's good to hear someone else say it too. Oh, one exception being the Jonah, the only...