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  1. J

    Chilli Plant Leaf Mutation?

    The dual pods are cool. Is that a hereditary trait, or just a one off mutation?   I was just looking at some younger plants from the same batch of seeds and one has a similar shaped leaf to the older plant. This time it is in the third set of leaves and does not have a distinct central vein, it...
  2. J

    Chilli Plant Leaf Mutation?

    Hey   My chilli plant is a couple months old now, and this is my first time growing so Im a noob. However, I thought this was pretty cool and I was wondering if anyone had seen this before, or even if its something that happens quite often? Anyway, one of the leaves seems to have a second...
  3. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Okay, the big chunks broke up anyway once hydrated...   Here is an updated photo for future reference. Ill update in a few days if nothing else bad happens before then :rolleyes:  
  4. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Okay so I have gotten a bigger pot and added some perlite to the mix.   While I was digging through the compost for bigger chunks I noticed that there were lots of white balls below the surface in the bag. At first I thought it was perlite but it crumbled in my fingers, is this fertilizer?  ...
  5. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Okay I'll have a look for a bigger pot, when I replant should I look for the larger chunks? Sent from my LG-H955 using Tapatalk
  6. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Oh, so have I made the problem worse by removing soil? I'll probably change the soil to something else, is there anything you recommend that I can buy ready made? For calcium I have some dry calcium chloride flakes and solution for my reef tank if that's helps Sent from my LG-H955 using...
  7. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Yeah I've employed a fan to circulate the air around the plant. I don't think it is a nutrient issue, the plant also seems to still be growing quite fast to me, it has a new set of leaves every 4-5 days? I've just removed one of the leaves that was particularly browned, I didn't want it to...
  8. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    I'm using a 40W halogen bulb about 5 inches above the plant. If I place my hand at that distance away it feels warm but I'm not sure its warm enough to burn it. I'm still experiencing some problems with the plant, the new leaves seems to be curled on the sides and hanging low and one is...
  9. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    As suggested I've stopped watering and it seems like the browning has stopped progressing.   Update photos:      
  10. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    The compost variety, it says I can use it in a pot, or I can spread it on top of plant beds/boarders. Sent from my LG-H955 using Tapatalk
  11. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Thank you, I'll stop watering and try and get a fan Sent from my LG-H955 using Tapatalk
  12. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Yeah the top layer would become dry, but the miracle grow stays damp on top even 2 days since watering. Yeah I used Miracle Grow Expand n Grow. It says on the packaging that I can plant into it pure in a pot. I'm not using any fan, would that be the cause of the problem. I forgot to mention...
  13. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    It's possible in overwatering. In the old soil before transplanting the soil seemed to get relatively dry each day before watering, but this miracle grow compost retains the water very well and has constantly looked damp without watering. I have it on my desk with a desk lamp above it to...
  14. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    It's spread to double in size overnight. I hope this isn't going to kill the plant? Sent from my LG-H955 using Tapatalk
  15. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Bump Sent from my LG-H955 using Tapatalk
  16. J

    health What's wrong with this chili plant?

    Hey, So I decided to grow a chili plant a couple weeks ago and I have gone with some Chili Pepper gusto hybrid seeds, and I'm currently growing one plant. My problem is that this plant is now displaying some signs of deficiency or disease. Unfortunately I'm a human biologist, not a plant...