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  1. N

    breeding Preventing cross pollination

    I have not found topic here with sufficient answers, if there is, please jsut post link.   Hello growers, I'm growing many peppers in soil in my greenhouse and I'd love to keep seeds for next year. I'm scared that the plants would pollinate each other and I would collect some hybdrid seeds.  ...
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    Dreams about growing peppers?

    I'm glad I could help you entertain yourself. You are welcome :)
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    Dreams about growing peppers?   This guy has for sure, you can have a small talk with him about his dreams  :party:
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    ants on my plants

    Keep eye on them, if they stop messing around, good for you. If not and your plants are in flower pots, you can add one bigger flowerpot-under-plate (can't find translation for this word) and fill it with water to prevent them getting there.   I'm having problems with ants in my greenhouse, they...
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    nutrients Ntural nutrients in the garden

    Burying whole egg seems like pretty bad idea to me, but smeg knows, maybe salmonela colony won't be the only growing thing.
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    harvesting harvesting early first pods?

    Harvesting one too early will lead to faster ripening of others but never heard about producing more.
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    harvesting harvesting early first pods?

    Harvesting one too early will lead to faster ripening of others but never heard about producing more.
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    What's eating my peppers

    Keep the plant seperately from others. You can try to get rid off them by using sticky side of tape however it is kind of hard to get them all. Some people use soap water spray. I'm using neem oil and it works great for me - I have had aphids several times and after 2 or 3 sprayings they all died.
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    Nitrogen addiction?

    I'm sorry, I tried to do it simply.   Simplest I can: Ammonia = alkaline Ammonium = acidic
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    Nitrogen addiction?

    Ammonium is is the NH4+ cation. Ammonia is ammonium hydroxide where alkaline is the anion part of compound. If you react pure ammonia with water, you get this ammonium hydroxide or if you want, "aquaeous ammonia" . NH3 + H2O ----> NH4OH   If you neutralize the hydroxide, NH4 + by itself is...
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    Nitrogen addiction?

    Imho it was meant like this:   Organic materials decay (very simplified) stuff containing aminoacids -----(bacteria)------> amonnium ------(bacterias)------> nitrates   plants as far as I know use mainly nitrate form. If you supply it directly, plants don't need so much symbiotical bacteria to...
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    Plant identification

    Well I bought seeds from ebay and got something else. I grew it to this stage and I don't think I have seen plant like that before, it's totally weird.
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    Foliar feeding blight/mold risk

    I'm scared of my plants getting blight/mold on leaves from foliar feeding.   Is it safe to foliar spray peppers and tomatoes with... a) Fertilizer b) Earth worm casting c) Just epsom salt
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    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

    How long after it cools down to a room temperature do you test it? If it is mineral deposit issue, letting the water sit to precipitate the base excess should bring pH back to normal.   I have never seen so high pH of tap water, it may be due to sodium hydroxide they add.
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    water My Tap water ph is 9.0, is this ok?

      Listen me, real chemist here.   If you use pH meter, it is basicly a voltmeter. It measures voltage and converts it to pH by this:   U= -0,059pH + k   Voltage is dependent on temperature! If you use pH meter for hot water, it is usually calibrated for 25°C and you get fake results. Use it only...
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    Major screwup and lesson learned...what are these insects?

    Neem oil, this stuff is like miracle, I have to find neem oil-resistant pest yet.
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    Help something is eating my leaves

    Slugs maybe?
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    Last season I got my peppers really hot, I think it's due to the compost I used

    I heard that if you plant normal peppers next to hot peppers, the normal will have heat also. Not sure if it's true tho.   Have you grown them close to each other?
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    My DWC disaster

    Update: I'm still trying to save the plants, but one has already died and it's not looking good for the others either. I used ton of hydrogen peroxide but  that mold is always coming back. Now I'm probably going to try copper based fungicide.   Well, I'll try using rainwater. Thank you for the tip.