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  1. G

    what is this on my jalapeno peppers   i could scratch it off but it removes the skin too, its an indoor plant.
  2. G

    my jalapeno plant dropped all its flowers

    so i got two new flowers drop the past today, again the temps have been constant 75, watering is done using a terracotta spike, i have a big oscillating fan that shakes the plants gently, i sprayed it with epsom salt for the first time ever yesterday after the first flower dropped, they all look...
  3. G

    my jalapeno plant dropped all its flowers

    Thanks for the help HabaneroBeets.
  4. G

    seeds Germination help

    i started some bird eye seeds the other day, planted 7 straight into cups with soil and 3 days later 4 just broke thru , the 4 in the paper towel method show nothing yet.
  5. G

    my jalapeno plant dropped all its flowers

    hi, my jalapeno was small it had 3 flower buds on it and i had to go on an 11day trip, my micro toms had already started to fruit and is doing fine, i had the terracotta stakes doing the watering while i was gone, when i came back the jalapeno plant had used all the water and was a bit droopy...