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  1. MadMax

    A bit late - NEVER give up!

    My Momma says!  I need to see it again - I don't get enough laughter.  I did check the roots and looked good, smelled okay and lastly - I cut back until I saw green under the bark.; hoping above all hope and might consider that this plant may have gotten over-watered.  We had a lots of rain here...
  2. MadMax

    A bit late - NEVER give up!

    No bro, I don't know what it was.  Mid-winter had sprouts all over and the few cold days we had I had it covered.  Making it odd is the tabassco.  I treated both plants the same. Maybe I cut it back too far?  It's growing slower than a seedling would grow.  But you are right - around Sept I...
  3. MadMax

    A bit late - NEVER give up!

      Yes, indeed - 2 hurricanes and 1000s of miles travel and it's survived.  I was a bit disappointed as this plant produced hundreds of reapers in it's 2 years. Enough for my friends and to begin experimenting with the peppers on a topical muscle/joint pain reliever.  ;)
  4. MadMax

    A bit late - NEVER give up!

    Greetings, hottie totties. Earlier this year I posted about my most productive Reaper plant not making it through the winter.  This would be "her" third year and I couldn't uproot 'er,  Way down deep south, growing season can be very long and start very early.  Not giving up - i treated the the...
  5. MadMax

    food Boomas BBQ

    that's 2 hab's, 2 jal's, bunch spring onion, small onion, 1/8 cup olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin?, chili powder?  ugh.  Can't guess hook a yank up. . . . :drooling:
  6. MadMax

    food Boomas BBQ

      I had never had them either.  I was in my RV and a gentleman came up and saw my smoker that is kind of a jury-rig.  He gave me a couple of suggestions to make it better.  The next day he stopped by and delivered a few smoked eggs.  They were EXCELLENT and I couldn't believe how tasty they...
  7. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    Heck, Bro (or is that Braux) has enough ribs for an LSU home game tailgating party. . . I'm thinkin' that would be the bomb. With a 10.00 reaper testing contest. Eat the whole reaper - give you 10.  Or just leave your 10 when you can't finish it.  EMT onsite.
  8. MadMax

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

    Well, folks - today I had to make a decision - my most productive reaper plant didn't make it through the many extra inches of rain.  Yet the Tabasco did.  I always put two plants together in one pot as fail safe.  I'm hoping that these survive.  Reminds me of an old Bible verse. Not he who...
  9. MadMax

    GMO peppers - anybody know?

      Negative - I only asked them about the usage of seeds from the fruit that is harvested from their seeds.  It's not something that they've engineered into the seeds as previously mentioned.  We'll see if they answer.
  10. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    Well boys and girls; the verdict is in.  On this web board viewing ends up making me very hungry vs. the political boards in which I loose my appetite.  BTW - what the heck is a cajun microwave?  a grill?  lol  
  11. MadMax

    GMO peppers - anybody know?

    Sorry, folks - I learned quite a bit throughout this thread - why would we have needed a premature lock_ulation?   I followed the above link and have contacted the company to discover if the seeds from first year harvest will reproduce fruit.  I don't think they will.  We'll see if they answer...
  12. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    Dang - that's a rib mate - like you said; 1 rib per person - and still have doggie bag. lol
  13. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    From the web search of HEB plate ribs:   twice and a bit more than the price of the presented ribs and not the whole rib. . .    
  14. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

      Very, very good read - dang, I learned a bunch more than I "thought" I knew. . .  If you go by the marbling, you can get a prime cut that is comparable and a whole bunch more affordable than the Wagyu.  Now that I know what it means - Japanese cow. . . . LOL  Sorry folks, halfway in to this...
  15. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    Okay, bro - this is a good vid.  I will try this weekend, however, I'm thinking the stores around here have learned to make more money with those side cuts.  Heck, they sell Kobi beef under the name Wagyu.  Getting reasonably priced meat near a megapolis like Houston - cost more to drive and...
  16. MadMax

    GMO peppers - anybody know?

    OKAY guys. . .  that's what I was looking for. . . Traveling in an RV makes experimenting very laborious and not an option.  I can haul 4 to 6 plants around and be okay.  All my seeds where from reliable sources, or from last years plants.  I want nothing to do with GMO - producing or otherwise...
  17. MadMax

    food Boomas BBQ

    Dang - I'm just now getting in to the cold smoked environment. . .  I have one thing to add.   SMOKED EGGS - if done right and stored in the right liquid.  Dang good.  However, cold smoking seems to be a much longer technique?  yes/no
  18. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    Here's how I cook these ribs via a side cut. . .  Dang good eating - dang expensive eating.  I think I pay 7.00 for 4 of these.  Make them asy to marinade - but the cost differential is huge.      
  19. MadMax

    smoking Beef Back Ribs are too cheap not to try them

    This CoonA$$ (with fondness) has presented a beautiful dinner, one after my own heart I might add.  Transparently, I've never been able to get the beef ribs tender enough from the grill.  I need to look up the brazing thing. 
  20. MadMax

    GMO peppers - anybody know?

    I have to disagree regarding the "only" reason why someone would GMO a seed is so that the seed won't reproduce.  There's much more to it than the reproduction; however, I'd have to admit that economic reasons probably do span the process.  It might be noted too, that non-GMO foods are very...