Can you prove this point please? I have done lots of research and tests myself u will get some pods but some are small and total yield is of course less than natural sun light
I have been looking around for a grow light for my 3x3 ft tent and it should be able to support my ghost pepper growth with no problems so just recommend a grow light for me i would prefer actual results and thanks in advance !
Im going to get a grow tent for my dutch bucket system for now it seems worth putting more attention for it since it is much more promising than the aerogarden system but 5ml from GH is it the best ratio for ghost pepper?
Yea all of those look great upon a closer look its a must buy ill plan for those till later.
Thanks a lot for the help all of you here its hard to find help with these topics around me i guess im gana stick around and show you all my future pepper projects.
Im thinking of ditching the aerogarden it cant handle the plant anymore and its crazy growth and go with a bigger system homemade with more light power and root area. Any suggestion for grow light ?
Looks like aerogarden lights are not so fancy i have a 1000w full spec grow light for another 6 pepper plants and they look great even though they are young
thanks for your replay and constant attention
Good day everyone
I was wondering about Ghost pepper nutes i use GH flora series and a side of Cal mag pluse
My question is why my pepper plant is hardly producing and not in big quantities and sometimes if it does fruit you will find few big and ok sized pods and the rest tiny pods while the...