Search results

  1. Rygel

    What are you growing?

    Always curious to know what is everyone growing (pepper-wise of course). Currently I have: Bells (red, green, yellow) Poblano Banana Jalapeno Habanero (orange) Ghost (red) Serano Tabasco in the seedling stage, I have: Habanero (red) Habanero (yellow) Habanero (white) Habanero (chocolate)...
  2. Rygel

    What is going on with my habs

    My orange Habaneros are turning yellow. I can't really find anything on why this is.....possibly too much nitrogen or sun.......but that doesn't make sense because other peppers on the same plant are nice and deep orange like they should be. I don't know if these orange & yellow peppers are ok...
  3. Rygel

    My Habanero Sauce

    Not claiming this as my own creation, but I found this recipe online when trying to find things to do with my habaneros, just thought I'd share it. This is the recipe I use because it has a nice pepper flavor, you get to enjoy all the flavors.....THEN the heat kicks in. Next harvest of habs, I'm...
  4. Rygel


    Hello fellow pepper peoples! Fairly new to the hot pepper growing. This is my 2nd year with Habaneros & Jalapenos. Last year I started with about a dozen habanero plants (typically you plant 2-3 seeds in a group hoping 1 will grow). I was hoping for half a dozen plants, well all the seeds...