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  1. Sarmatian

    Identification needed

    Here is the pic of the flower. I want to thank to all participants here.  
  2. Sarmatian

    Identification needed

    Unfortunately, do not have any ripe ones yet. However, here are additional pics.. on one of them you can see a flower next to the ugly snail…  
  3. Sarmatian

    Identification needed

    Hi… please help me to identify these peppers. Thanks.  
  4. Sarmatian

    Hi from Canada!

    Hello everyone... I am capsaicin addict (joking) and love to spice up my meals on all occasions (no exceptions). I came to the point of bringing my love for spicy foods to the next level and starting a hobby of growing my own hot peppers. It is yet to be seen how it is going to go but in the...