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    my first hydro plant

    I dont posy much but I do come in here and read what all you have to say and listen to all your advice. I been growing a 7 pot since last june and couldnt seem to get it to bloom but finally it is blooming. Hoping I will have some peppers soon now. Was just about to go to Willard to see what I...
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    Earthbox update...

    to all concerned I use earthboxes also but I built my own is cheaper that way go to and you will get a set of good plans there. I myself used 18 gallon totes for this
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    DWC "Bubble Bucket"....Hydro Newb,,,,Questions

    Petey this is also my first time and am doing the dwc also and I fill mine about 13/8 or so above the bottom of my basket or the first two rings and mine are doing just great. It was abot an inch tall when I put it inand couldnt belive my eyes 4 weeks later it has grown to abot 6 inchs or better...
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    Real Mexican Food?

    closet I have seen to real mexican cooking on tv is rick Bayless
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    Square Foot Gardening

    I have to agree with AJ I planted my plants last year 2 foot apart and rows 2 foot apart and did not have room to walk between my plants. Lesson learned the hard way.
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    Korean pepper?

    Hello pepper turd I got very courious as to what these peppers were and went surfing and this is what I found it explained a lot to me
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    smoking An attempt at smoking chile peppers...

    thanks potawie for the info
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    smoking An attempt at smoking chile peppers...

    ok Potawie ? do you use a pan of water in your smoker or not. I going to make my first attempt to smoke some this year. I have a Smoke Master but cant get it any lower then 200 degrees so am useing the same type as you are. Is the reason I am asking you.
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    White tomatoes

    one word about your white tomatoes is they are acid free
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    pics Little Elf Pics - 09-13-08

    very impressive plant there AJ looking good
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    Pre-Ike Chile Garden 09-11-08 (Warning dial up users - noncompressed photos)

    geez AJ dont think you need that riding lawn mower lol very impressive plants there think I getting a little jeloues
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    Spaceing in my garden

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    Spaceing in my garden

    I also have several in pots and alot in the ground the pots I can move but once in the ground no no and 2feet was way to close asmy peppers took off like gangbusters bushed out and made it hard for me to walk through
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    Spaceing in my garden

    I learened from this years planting to space my plants farther apart as I put them 2 foot apart but was not enough room. Plants are doing great though but hard for me to see the peppers they so close together.So next year going to have to put them at least 3 to 3/12 feet apart. But all in all...
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    Chilli Hanging Baskets

    This is my first post was reading all comments. looking at our rocoto pepper I was wondering just how big of pot I would need to put in a hanging basket. Guess I need to get pepperfever to post a pic of it Charles