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  1. S

    health Lemon spice jalapeno turning black

    Okay awesome thank you!!! That's what I kind of figured but being new to this I figured I better get some others opinions on it lol
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    health Lemon spice jalapeno turning black

    So this is my first year growing peppers and I was given some lemon spice jalapeno seeds. My peppers are turning black. They aren't mushy don't look rotten or anything and are decently firm just wondering if this is normal? Are they just ripening? I know they say they can get black spots. Could...
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    indoor What are the best ways to heat a small grow tent?

    So I have a 2'x4'x5' grow tent that I just recently got it will be in an unheated basement. I'm not too worried about during the summertime but in the winter it gets decently cold in the basement. Unfortunately I'm running LEDs in the tent so trying to get some ideas on how to keep it warmer in...
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    cooking Italian stuffed pepper casserole

    Just tried this recipe and it's pretty good!!! I used chicken instead of beef and Anaheim peppers instead of bell peppers
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    Hi I'm sean

    Hey guys new to this forum this is my first year growing but I've always had a love for peppers and spicy food can't wait to learn more!!!