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  1. SunStriderSanj

    pest What are these critters!!!

    Thanks for the advice
  2. SunStriderSanj

    pest What are these critters!!!

    Hi guys from the posted pictures can you guys help me identify the root causes of these particular symptoms afflicting my habanero chilli plant. I think the white stuff under the leaves is mealy bugs? Not sure what that black gunk is on the stem. Also what's causing all the new flowers to drop of
  3. SunStriderSanj

    disease What's attacking my habanero plants?

    Hi guys from the posted pictures can you guys help me identify the root causes of these particular symptoms afflicting my habanero chilli plant. I think the white stuff under the leaves is mealy bugs? Not sure what that black gunk is on the stem. Also what's causing all the new flowers to drop...
  4. SunStriderSanj

    Welcome Message

    Hello fellow chilli cultivators. Look forward to begin sharing the knowledge and learning from you here.