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  1. TheJollyRancher

    health help me figure out what's wrong with my orange habs

    I think you all are bringing up interesting points....(sun scald or pests) However, the questions I have are.... How are you watering? Do you water the plant from the bottom (i.e. a hose on the ground or a drip line) or do you shower the plants? I am not an expert grower but I have seen these...
  2. TheJollyRancher


    Those bhuts look wicked!
  3. TheJollyRancher

    container The End of Container Growing

    I agree with you completely as I now have a space in the community garden. With just some manure and amendment my plants are looking great compared to the ones I did in the containers. Container growing is an art and for some it works very well, but for me it isn't the best option either.
  4. TheJollyRancher

    Will send SASE in the U.S. for any Hot Seeds (Habs, Nagas, Scorps, etc.)

    Hey all, My mega hots never came together this year (some died early and some later), but I have had alot of luck growing tomatillos and bell peppers. Due to the long growing season here in So-Cal I am going to try the mega hots again. I have a couple of seeds (literally like less than 10), but...
  5. TheJollyRancher

    Pineapple Tomato Seeds?

    Hey Everyone, I am looking for some exotic tomato seeds (preferably the peach/orange/yellow varieties such as Pineapple, Persimmon, Jubilee, Copia etc) Have a bunch of chile seeds to trade...just want to try some tomatoes for the Mrs... What do you have? and what would you like in trade? TGR
  6. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    AJ, Heading back to Ft. Worth today, 4/16, via USPS.... Thanks, TJR
  7. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    AJ, Yep you sent me your address a few weeks ago... -TJR
  8. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    The parcel arrived today...should have it heading back to AJ in a day or two... Thanks
  9. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    I will let you know when it arrives and drop a post when I have sent it back to AJ.... Thanks, TJR
  10. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    Thanks Klyth...I guess thats what I was wondering...
  11. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    Ok....hopefully you guys can clear something up for me so this process goes smoothly and I can return the parcel to AJ ASAP.. what is the proper etiquette for seed packs in the parcel? I mean if there are 100 seeds in one pack you wouldn't take them all (only a portion of that) but, what if...
  12. TheJollyRancher

    sun Sunscald Question

    Put my chiles out 2 days ago so they could get some sun and fresh air after weeks of being cooped-up...big mistake... now the leaves on some of the smaller ones are turning white and falling off....looks like sunscald... do chiles bounce back from the sunscald? I have never had this happen...
  13. TheJollyRancher

    Red Savina Peppers

    Quite nice...used it fresh a few times and knew it was a keeper
  14. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    I think I am coming up soon... drop me a line AJ when you need my info.... Thanks, TJR
  15. TheJollyRancher

    container ATTN: Best Container Planting Mix?

    No pro mix available in the area...I will definitely try adding perlite and some manure in one of the batches to see how that does... Gardening is simply trial and error...
  16. TheJollyRancher

    container ATTN: Best Container Planting Mix?

    Hey everyone, This thread one goes out to growers that have a bunch of plants in containers and have done fairly well with your planting mix. I grow in containers about 95% of the time (due to space restrictions) and have tried a few different mixes but haven't had truly fabulous success with...
  17. TheJollyRancher

    wanted wtb: some seeds

    Aren't some of those Pepper Joe's "Varieties?"
  18. TheJollyRancher

    2008-2009 Seed Trading Parcel for USA

    Champing at the bit waiting for the parcel...*sigh*