Search results

  1. plantman


    Got your attention... Anyway I'm one of the many selling bhut jolokia seeds and plants on ebay. My ebay name is vaughn2418. I'm working on crosses between trinidad scropion\ bhut jolokia X's morich jolokia. Ive made very good headway along these lines. I think there is to much talk about how...
  2. plantman


    Hello to everybody in Hot pepper world!!! When I was a kid we used to see who could hold their breath the longest under water! Now that Im (older) we see who can eat the hottest peppers, than gussel enough water to put out the fire!! GO FIGURE! ;)
  3. plantman

    Bhut Jolokia Seeds and sample

    Hello Hot Pepper Lovers! Still got some Bhut Jolokia seeds @ $1.50 per pk. of 5 seeds! Also I include a REAL HOT Bhut Jolokia Pepper sample! Please inc. $1.00 for shipping good for any # of pks. per order. Also a sample is sent with ea. pk of seeds! Check this pepper picker (seller) out...