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  1. BuckeyeRed

    Newbie looking for more answers

    I know it sure seems to like the natural light. I have to rotate it almost every day and its still growing like crazy after 10 days in the window - but not many flowers. The foliage is dark green and very shiny so I think its getting what it needs. I'll have to put my thermometer in the...
  2. BuckeyeRed

    Newbie looking for more answers

    Thanks Pam. I didn't even think about the temp. The grow chamber stayed at about 80 with the lights on. We keep the house at 68 at night. I guess its missing the heat of the CFL's.
  3. BuckeyeRed

    Newbie looking for more answers

    My Caribbean Red outgrew the grow chamber it was in. It was flowering so much and had a couple dozen peppers popping out so I didn't want to cut it back. After disassembling half the grow chamber to keep from damaging the plant, I moved it to a south facing window. The foliage immediately...
  4. BuckeyeRed

    NPK ratio?

    I have to agree with Pam. I used NO fertilizer to start - only the fertilizer thats in MiracleGro moisture control potting soil. I hit it once with Vigoro's Bloom Booster after the first few flowers popped and this is what it looked like after 100 days. Like AJ says, whatever works for you!
  5. BuckeyeRed

    Can I tie it up?

    Thanks Tx. How much is too much for trimming? It seems like almost all branches have flowers on them now - even the lower ones. It still has most of the original big leaves on the bottom and I read in an early post somewhere that these were necessary for plant growth but they would fall off...
  6. BuckeyeRed

    Can I tie it up?

    Thanks Pam. I'm using all fluorescents in a vertical orientation. Here's an early pic.
  7. BuckeyeRed

    Can I tie it up?

    My Caribbean red has outgrown my grow chamber horizontally. I know Tx tied his down to make it bushy, can I tie mine up to make it go vertical? Any negatives to doing this?
  8. BuckeyeRed

    First flower!

    Nice looking flower! Do you or anyone else know where to find a chart or timelime for growing hot peppers? I'm growing Caribbean Red habaneros and the the first flower popped on 12/07. Now I've got literally hundreds of flowers. I've been gardening outdoors for a couple years now but have...
  9. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    Here is the first flower of many. The plant has stopped growing in size but now has 67 flower buds(yes, I counted them). Can anyone give me an idea of when I'll be seeing peppers? The seed first sprouted September 18th. Again, this is all very new to me so I don't know much about pepper...
  10. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    I put a picture of the top at
  11. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    Thanks AJ and Tx. When I got home today there were what look like 5 pods(?) coming out of the top of the plant. Again, hot pepper growing is all new to me so I'm not quite sure what I'm working with. I'll keep watching.
  12. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    Thanks for all the info RichardK and Alabama Jack. The plant has become a monster! It only had one set of deformed leaves - one never developed at all and the other is huge like the others. It is now 8-10 inches tall and the trunk has tripled in thickness. Do I only switch the lighting...
  13. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    The upper leaves look just like tx's first pic as far as the puckering. I was afraid maybe they were diseased or drying out. The deformed area looks more like what I would think a genetic defect would look like. The edges don't look torn or chewed, more like they grew that way. I don't...
  14. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    Puckering Thanks to you too txclosetgrower. Yes, thats what I meant. The first sets of leaves smoothed out when they reached "full" size. The thirds didn't. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't killing a great looking plant!
  15. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    Thanks Thanks cheezydemon. I hadn't thought about fertilizer already in the potting soil. The trunk is only 5" tall but the leaves are as big around as baseballs. Is this normal? The canopy completely hides the pot already and it looks different than anything else I've grown.
  16. BuckeyeRed

    Puckering and deformity

    I'm new to The Hot Pepper but hope to find a little guidance and a whole lot of education. I have a grow chamber that I built years ago to grow tomatoes in an apartment environment. Now living in Ohio I wanted to use it to try hot peppers over the winter. The GC is approximately 2'x2'x3 1/2'...