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    A bit of perspective from an invasive species biology student. Invasive species do indeed exist. Cane toads, kudzu, snakehead fish, crayfish, bark beetles, duckweed, bullfrogs, Tamarisk all all invasive and all cause harm. Officially there are no invasive peppers, unofficially there are...
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    still after a few varieties

    I need fatali, bishops cap, and brazillian starfish. I have a few peppers and veggies to trade.
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    Fried Hamburger?

    We call this minute steaks, you should try it with some cheese melted on the top and a bottle of guinness half added to the beef andr half to the soup
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    any ideas to make tinned tuna interesting??

    I dont like tuna salad so I put it on rye with mustard, tomato, peppers, spinach, and cheddar. I also fry it with a bit of curry paste and broccoli slaw and put it on a nice roll with soy or fish sauce.
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    wanted Lots of peppers, looking for veggies

    you can help indeed, I'll take what ever you've got, just let me know what you're after
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    wanted Lots of peppers, looking for veggies

    I have peppers hot lemon pepper red 7 pod yellow 7 pod bhut jolokia dorset naga thai red tabasco tomatoes gardeners delight cherry giant pink belgium big rainbow I want eggplant other tomatoes watermelon beets seed garlic winter squash pretty much anything else
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    you mean like a green house?
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    febuary first to late to sow seeds?

    I'm hoping for a decent crop by may, but everything will be planted out with in the month of feb most likely by the 10th
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    wanted looking for hots

    sounds good...I'm new to all this obviously we send them through the mail so you can PM me your address but how many seeds do I send and how many do I receive?
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    febuary first to late to sow seeds?

    just got my seed in on tues day, quite a bit of stuff but I managed to get all my indoor stuff planted, now I just need to get my hands on some more hot peppers
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    wanted looking for hots

    I have some seeds for trade tomatoes roma big rainbow heirloom gardeners delight (cherry) giant pink belgium cucumber lemon heirloom little delicious melon sweet and early hybrid (cantaloupe) moon and stars heirloom (watermelon) pepper hot lemon what I want any thing really just want...
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    febuary first to late to sow seeds?

    I was going to start some of it indoors and some directly into the garden all the tomatoes peppers egg plants cucumbers and melon will be started in doors the lettuce will be grown totally indoors or the heat will make it bitter and everything else will be started out doors
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    febuary first to late to sow seeds?

    hello all I'm growing a vegetable garden for the first time in a while, and since I'm living on my scholarship money I have to wait until febuary to purchase seeds I was wondering if it would be to late to start my seeds then I plan to grow cucumbers eggplant tomatoes watermelon cantaloupe...
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    Solar Ovens

    I have one...the down side is they take all day.....but it makes the best roasted vegies
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    new to growing

    haha sorry should have worded that better....I meant we hardly ever get frost in my area of arizona
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    new to growing

    I have 5 gallon buckets I can use for pots and A covered porch plus we hardly ever get frost here in arizona
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    new to growing

    alright thanks a lot guys....looks like I'll buy some seeds on payday.....would I have a problem planting in mid december?
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    new to growing you know if they take paypal?
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    new to growing

    I figure I use them enough as it is I should grow them anyone have seeds I could get for fairly cheap? I like hot peppers