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  1. Rondavouz

    any input please

    Sure you can make it! My naga made it, it branched and passed the hood completely now. I did this by some pinching to make it branch. I hate to pinch off a tall bit, but you will get a much better plant in the end, especially in the aerograden since height is an issue there.
  2. Rondavouz

    any input please

    Thats what mine also look like in the Aerogarden when they get too close to the light. Pinch it of and raise the hood just a "heads up" but you need to change from the original nutrients in order to get fruit. Got lots of flowers but they all dropped until I switched to ghe nutes...
  3. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    After getting ALOT of flowerdrops I did some reading up and switched to ghe nutrition. One week later my first pepper show itself, a Naga Morich.. Why Oh Why didn´t I switch a couple of weeks ago.. The size of my 3 plants are quite ridicules for the Aerogarden, and for my office =)
  4. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Yepp, a Naga morich Trinidad scoropion and a yellow 7 pod still "live" in the garden. Tried to take one out but it is impossible, the roots are all tangled together ...
  5. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Been a while since my last update... Had to take out 3 plants and buy a extended arm , but now the flowering has started on the Naga and the Trinidad ! Hopefully next post will have some peppers growing..
  6. Rondavouz

    seeds Trail Germinator....

    I usually but my seads in a plastic bag between paper rowetls on like my laptops psu or NAS.. Had between 70 -80 germination rate that way...
  7. Rondavouz

    lighting Lighting not cutting it anymore using 2xT8 need advice LED vs MH for my needed application

    here is a comparison of my 3 panels, one is a 50 w, 2 are 14 once (different brand), can you spot the difference? :) Been using 50 wats panels for 3 years (had 3 panels at 50 w but 2 are down due to the drivers gone bad, new drivers ordered though..) i also tried a 90 w ufo but that made my hole...
  8. Rondavouz

    Smart pot Vs. Air pot Vs. Cheap azz pot...

    1 or 2 rows depends on pot size though. The "no holes" line should be on top. The pots in the pictures above are up-side down. The largest holes are on the top, and in any case that is wrong. You can clearly see on the pot in the middle that the holes are getting smaller the lower down you go...
  9. Rondavouz

    Smart pot Vs. Air pot Vs. Cheap azz pot...

    Checked with supplier, there shouldn't be any holes in the 2 upper rows to allow water to sit there and go down and not out at the top. The largest holes should be at the bottom, but as long as there is holes under the "bottom plate" it shouldn't be a problem. And also there are two versions...
  10. Rondavouz

    Smart pot Vs. Air pot Vs. Cheap azz pot...

    Are your airpots up-side down or of a older model? Mine doesn´t have the holes in the 2 upper lines, or did I put mine upside down?
  11. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Week 5 update. My airpots/chilliegrow arrived yesterday so 3 of the plants will go out of the Aerogarden. The Aerogarde looks more like a jungle atm :)
  12. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Week 4 update The plants are getting too big for the aerogarden, will transplant some of them next week and maybe keep two growing in the Aerogarden. The grow speed has been amazing, and I didn´t think I had to transplant them for another 4 weeks when I started...
  13. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Yeah, that´s why I´m going to transplant them in 2 weeks to a chiiligrow system My link
  14. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Should I prune these small leafs on bottom of the naga morich? Lots of small leafs and some strange growth above some of them. At what height can i Prune the top (cm)? I want a compact plant, not a 2 meter one stem plant. Do I just prune of the top, and two stems will for at the previous pair of...
  15. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Time for the 3 weeks in Aerogarden update and my chillies are growing too big for it already... The 2 small once will have a hard time catching up... I have never seen anything grow at this rate... I need to get my ChilliGrow pots and transplant them, problem is that I cant get them to the...
  16. Rondavouz

    Growing hot peppers in an Aerogarden

    Always being fascinated by "tv Shop" equipment I bought a classic 7 pod Aerogareden and set it up in my office at work. Got a mastergarden kit to plant the seeds, and liquid nutrients. I have never used a hydro based system before, always grown directly in soil, and I must say that the growth...
  17. Rondavouz

    May 5th update

    Germination rate of the bugs 13 /14 ! 92.8 % - Really good! :mouthonfire:
  18. Rondavouz

    Office grow?

    Here is my office growth... I couldn´t use strong lights so went for cheap LED´s and then window light now that it´s getting close to summer here. Here are some pictures of my discobox at work.. the once in the window in the background has just been repotted. Older once The oldest once in...
  19. Rondavouz

    Just dipped my toe into LED's (not a DIY thread)

    I use 15w red and blue for seedlings and then 45w red/blue for growing plants. I have buds,flowers, pods mature pods. Outdoors it still snow and very cold and little light, so I have to give credit to the LED´s... My biggest problem is that I don't have any more room at the moment.. And growing...
  20. Rondavouz

    My first red chi-chien...

    Here is my first ripped one, gonna eat tonight... A pirri pirri with a twist =)