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  1. S

    Peppers in the Bahamas

    I've read about goat peppers, but my search for seeds has been fruitless (joke..). If you manage to smuggle some back, I'd be happy to help defray some ($$) of the cost of your vacation, in exchange for some viable seeds. Several plastic bags, desiccant packs and a shampoo bottle should do the...
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    This is me!

    Welcome Remi. It must be a joy to plant seeds in a country with such sensible hoticultural laws. Not to mention an avid indoor growing community. 8) Anyway, welcome aboard. Sam ps- props to Wilard for the info on reimers. I had no idea. 100% of my reimer seeds popped. I guess I got lucky.
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    pete- Regarding your mention of the PC-1, I ordered some from ecoseeds and started germing them on the 14th of Jan. They popped yesterday. Ill post pics when they get a little bigger. I read a list of scoville ratings conducted in 2001 by Dr. Paul Bosland of the Chile Pepper Institute of New...
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    flavor Taste vs. Heat

    fatalliman- tabago seasoning peppers, eh? sounds interesting. have you ever grown aji dulce? i got them from reimers. they popped in 9 days. from what ive read thats pretty good for a chinense. setzuanfire- in the interest of co-op...
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    Hi I am new

    welcome abord ken!
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    Hello to all!!

    welcome pete!
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    hello from rainy, rainy eugene oregon

    thanks everybody glad to be here. what a warm welcome. since i signed up, several of my seeds have popped. -red safi hab -golden bullet hab -el hefe jalapeno -craigs triple hot jalapeno -chocolate hab -indian PC-1 -aji dulce #2 ill post pics when they get a little bigger. cheers sam
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    flavor Taste vs. Heat

    hey everyone! i was wondering if someone could give me some feedback on recomendations for a cultivar with a good balance of heat and flavor. i personally like alot of fire in my peppers (its why im growing), but some of my friends don't, and i would like to be able to accomodate their...
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    seeds Naga Jolokia pepper seeds 855,000 scoville units?

    just read through this thread (my 1st real post) I just read through this thread, and as a new (pepper) grower, there is a ton of misleadinghyped stuff out there. Ive heard of at least a dozen different cultivars that are claimed to be "worlds hottest". with so much misinformation out there...
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    hello from rainy, rainy eugene oregon

    hey everybody. ive been into spicy food for a years, and gardening for just a few seasons. i figured it would be natural to combine my love of both, so this season i went nuts and ordered a bunch of different cultivars. as a noob, i thought it would be a good idea to try and learn as much as...