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  1. NRB

    overwintering overwintered 7 pod

    Hehe, the avatar always gets a comment ;) Potawie: it's in a terracotta pot, but I'll see what I can do today. I've got balanced ferts. Hot Stuff: the epsom salts were added after the foliage was seen to be pale and small. I'll have another go at some photos - the only camera I've got here is...
  2. NRB

    overwintering overwintered 7 pod

    I tried to add pics from photobucket, but the board gave an error message about not being able to use the file extension as it's not allowed. They were .jpg files :crazy: I only used the Seasol as a root tonic and wetting agent, not as a fertiliser - that's what the chook poo was for. I...
  3. NRB

    overwintering overwintered 7 pod

    JungleRain - I've been a member for over 12 months but never posted! Thanks for the welcome! The only one growing currently is the 7 Pod, but last week I planted Tobago seasoning, Jalapeno, and tomorrow Poblano; still waiting for germination. I'm going to turn a 3 year old Birdseye into a bonsai...
  4. NRB

    overwintering overwintered 7 pod

    Thanks PepperLover, I've only started feeding it recently, when the weather started getting warmer again - I'm in the Southern hemisphere...
  5. NRB

    overwintering overwintered 7 pod

    Hi Guys, Last season I grew a 7 pod from seed sent to me by Tony05 (thanks mate!). It was quite vigorous and I managed to overwinter it (the Naga and Habanero didn't survive unfortunately). The only treatment they received was to be moved up against a north facing wall to try and keep them...