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  1. Hot Sauce Guru

    Bhut Jolokias

    I have my BJ plants in 3 gallon pots. Do you think that I should repot to larger or do you think they will still produce well?
  2. Hot Sauce Guru

    Bhut Jolokias

    This is my first time growing Bhut Jolokias and I planted 6 seeds this year. After two months, two plants had sprouted and are doing well. Last week, a third plant sprouted almost 10 weeks after planting. I am posting videos and pictures at our website I know...
  3. Hot Sauce Guru

    Hello from Mike the Hot Sauce Guru

    Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I posted the interview that we did at the Fiery Foods show along with some of the videos of people trying to handle Defcon Zero. If you did not see them yet, they are posted at
  4. Hot Sauce Guru

    Hello from Mike the Hot Sauce Guru

    I didn't know if I could list my site for other videos, but I see that other people have sites listed. Here is our website so you can see some of our other videos
  5. Hot Sauce Guru

    First time growing Bhut Jolokias

    I live in Florida and started the peppers about two weeks ago. We should not have any nights that get down to 50 degrees this season. I used a coarse, quick draining soil. I planted some other peppers which recently sprouted and was told that the Jolokias will take almost twice as long to sprout.
  6. Hot Sauce Guru

    First time growing Bhut Jolokias

    I am growing Bhut Jolokias for the first time and I was warned that they can be challenging to grow. Does anyone have any tips for me from past experience?
  7. Hot Sauce Guru

    Hello from Mike the Hot Sauce Guru

    My name is Mike, the Hot Sauce Guru. I have really enjoyed hot sauce and spicy foods for a long time. I have always been looking for new, spicy dishes and sauces to try, so I decided to start documenting and reviewing the sauces that I am sampling. I knew that I would not provide a very...