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  1. A

    Um is this normal?

    So I planted some jalapeno seeds that I "harvested" from some peppers I bought from an organic farm. I planted them and look what I got! Is this normal for jalapenos? It's my first time growing my own peppers and I'm so weirded out that they didn't turn out like the short, stumpy ones I bought...
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    seeds My Jalapeno seedlings are dying!

    So I'm able to germinate jalapenos seeds...but once they get two true leaves, the leaves fall off and the plant, well dies! I germinate them in egg shells and once they get two true leaves, I transplant them into newspaper paper pots. What am I doing wrong? I do the same to my habaneros, and...
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    Growing Jolokias and Habaneros in the Philippines

    Oh hey! Where did you buy the bat guano and the chicken crap? :) I live in Makati but make trips to New Manila every week. :)