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  1. B

    Droppin Flowers like CRAAAAZY!

    Hey guys, thanks. Well, the bhut is still droppin all the flowers, has one that is full grown pod, still waiting to have it ripen up, and the toehr two arent producing pods yet either. Dumb question, I thought peppers are self pollinators. Why would planting flowers next to it help? Just...
  2. B

    Droppin Flowers like CRAAAAZY!

    Hey guys, its been awhile since i posted, starting a marriage with three kids already there makes for a crazy life! Anyways, im the one who was wondering why my 3 month old peppers (anything from fatali, habs, bhut jolokias, 7 pods, scorps) i was using miracle grow organic choice and you guys...
  3. B

    moved 'em outside!

    ha ha ha. good point! nope, they arent fruit flies. Ill try and get some pics! thanks all!
  4. B

    moved 'em outside!

    Alright, after all your guys' great feedback, i put a few of my pepper plants into some 5 gallon buckets with great soil, and then i moved the rest out into the garden bc they were hardening off quite well and after finding out how crappy that Organic Choice was, I wanted to get them outta...
  5. B

    Possibly a dumb question..

    Alright, well, im glad i finally joined this site instead of just reading! Crappy to hear how crappy that crap is! lol I have now, 40 lbs of peat, 40 lbs of potting mix, and 40 lbs of chicken manure and also a mix of bat guano, worm castings and other good stuff,,, soooo, can i run with that...
  6. B

    Possibly a dumb question..

    Yours are friggin 15 inches??!!! Wow, mine are ohhhh about 5 inches max. What. the. heck. So its my potting mix probably? Is it too late to fix them?? I have read lots on soil, etc, but is there a brand that is good stuff that i could go pick up? I was planning on just putting them outside...
  7. B

    Possibly a dumb question..

    Hey guys- ive been looking about this forumf or the last 5 months or so, and have always had the normal vegetable garden since i was a kid, but this is the first season i decided to kick it up a notch! I got some seeds from pepper lover and have had them growing since mid-feb. It seemed like...
  8. B

    Hey! From Kansas

    Hey all! Ive been lurking around this forum for the last 5 months, learning all I could before my first go at superhots! Finally got signed up! just wnted to say hey!